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All our attention turned towards the angel who hovered over us.
"It is forbidden you lay hands on one of our kind"
"Is that so?"
I watched as Lucifer violently threw jack onto the ground and made his way towards the ark angel.
Silently I slipped my hands under his body and carried him away from the others. The sounds of there unhuman screetches and clashing of swords were vibrating in my ears.
I needed blood to create it.
I quickly looked around for a sharp object.
With no success I took a deep breath and bashed my hand against the stone wall.
I let out a weak cry as it hurt more than intended, now that I was stuck in this human form.
Shaking my head to forget the pain I took a deep breath and focused on the blood on my hand. I slid my  fingers over the cuts and began to draw a symbol onto the ground.
As I drew a bright light flashed through the halls.
The ark angel was dead.
His beautiful screams echoed through the halls.
"Erin!" I knew I only had seconds left.
"Com'on now where are you hiding child?"
"Erin I will find you"
I finished the symbol and placed jack over it.
I watched as jack seeped through the ground.The black droplets covering his  slender and tiny body as they took him out of hell.Devouring his body and pulling him onto earth.
Where he wanted.
Jack was free.
And now I was left to suffer but I had a weird feelings
As I was locked away for what seemed like years.
As Lucifer pierced his swords through me.
It was as if I didn't even care.
Blood dripped over my face and I still felt at peace.
What a weird word.
The pain was unbearable and I couldn't help but scream.
There was so much blood.
How can this small body contain so much of it.
I felt my eyes slowly close and I wasn't afraid.
I am a demon.
I always feel fear.. Heck I produce fear but for once...I don't.
You did this to me didn't you jack.
Arisen...was that your real name jack?
Its beautiful.
Please forgive me arisen.
You should of never fallen for me.

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