An angel who made me blush

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"Well than aren't you a rebellious little angel"
"I was only doing what was right"
"What did god do?!"
"He wants to get rid of this planet"
"They shouldn't deserve to die..evil or not."
"And the stripers!?"
"Well its more complicated than that"
"all the poor innocent stripers..........."
I glared at him with a disappointed look.
"Do you really not know what a striper is?"
"Well then let's go see one!"
I grabbed his hand and dragged him along the dark empty alleyways.He struggled to keep up with me as I quickly turned corners and finally stopped ubrubtly inches in front of the door.It was bright purple with black fancy writing that spell out
PARADISE.I giggled and quickly walked in pulling jack behind me.
"Why are we here its just a building that's crawling with sinners"
"Well yeah but technically so are you"
"Shhhhh lower your voice and yes you are you killed a human and even worse you tryed to kill god soooo yeah your a sinner"
"God what have I become"
"I don't think god will be answering your prayers anytime soon"
"Shut up"
He shot an angry look at me and I quickly put my hands up in defensively.
"Okay fin-"
A young women in black tight leather shorts and a tight pink belly shirt interrupted me.Her shirt could barely hold her huge breasts.
"Hey there hot stuff aren't you too young to be here"
"Im 25 but thanks for the concern sweetheart"
"Oh are you now...well then would the big boy like a lapdan-"
I quickly got up tilting my head to the side and stared in jacks direction.
It not what I think it is right?
I watched intensely as a tall man with tight leather pants and a bright pink shirt walked up to jack and slapped his ass.Making jack let out a high pitched yelp.
I pushed the girl in front of me aside.And watched angrily as a man dragged jack into a private room.
I quickly followed pushing people aside and ignoring their insults and gasps.
I finally made it to the red painted door that jack was in.
Angrily I kicked it open ripping the door off its hinges.
I stepped over the broken pieces of wood and was about to yell at the guy but to my surprise he was dead.Jack was holding the lifeless courspe by the neck.I sighed in relief.
Smirking I walked over and stood beside jack.We stared at each other before staring back at the lifeless corspe.
"He's ugly"
"No he's only broken and hardly has any soul left.It seems like he wanted death baddly.He was begging for it and seemed to be in so much pain."
"Wow deep"
"I only did what he so much painfully desired"
" you snapped his neck huh.....sick!"
I chuckled as he laid the body softly on the ground.
"You know he's like you"
I turned around facing him with a confused look.
"What?! a human?"
"No you're broken....your not even fully seems like you have some good in you but you refuse to let any of it show or even sightly peek out of the cage you keep it in.."
I stared at him my lip quivering and eyes glossed over with tears.
"I...I...your right jack....I...hate being the bad guy I-"
Before I could finish I felt jacks wings wrap around me.They were huge and comforting something about them made me want to stay in them.But when I felt the soft peaceful wings leave my skin I snapped back to reality.I shook my head trying to shake off the feeling his wings gave me.
"You know it was a prank I was just kidding you really think that I would cry over your OH so beautiful speech?!"
"Ha your so stupid"
I watched as he tilted his head staring into my eyes.
"But you enjoyed my hug"
I blushed and turned around walking out of the room quickly trying to leave before jack could see my blushing face.I felt so stupid I had never blushed much less for a stupid angel who probably doesn't even know what blushing is.
I felt so stupid.
Why did I have to be a greedy bitch?
Why did I have to end up with him?
A fucking stupid angel.
An angel who made me blush...

Hope you enjoyed my beautiful sucky writing!

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