Home sweet home

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It wasn't until I felt a heavy presence of darkness lodged in my chest that I knew where I was.
The place I had a chance to escape before....but this time there was no escape.
There wasn't for me but there was for jack.
And only jack.
Even if it meant being stuck here forever....I will do it.
I will get him out.
God I'm fucking crazy.
I lifted myself off the ground wipeing off the blood that dripped from my shoulders.
I calmly walked through the long dark stone hallway which was crawling with souls who lingered in the corners.Slowly rotting, no longer bright but black..a pitch black darkness that seeped deeply into them.
I sighed, annoyed to be in the one place I loathed.
The one place I could've easily left before.... I couldn't now.
There was no way I could leave.
Before I could sneak my way further into the thick walls of hell I heard a familiar voice boom from behind me.
I quickly spined around facing the beautiful Lucifer who had a faint smile on his pale face.His blue eyes starred into mine gently.
"Welcome home Erin"
"Its mark"I responded gritting my teeth as I griped my sword that rested behind me.
"Oh you wont need that little mark...we're all family here"
He spoke softly as he held his hand out and telepathically pulled my sword towards him.
I growled getting ready to attack without my sword.But before I could do anything I felt my body being tossed against the wall of the damp dark hallway.I no longer had any control over my own body.And I watched helplessly as he walked slowly towards me.His hands crept up my side and wrapped themselves gently around my neck.I tried to move but was only able to move my head side to side.
"Such a perfect body you picked....almost makes me want to use you but....your angel friend is simply beautiful I'd rather rip him to shreds than you" he said in an almost soft voice.
I stopped struggling when I saw jack being pulled from behind Lucifer, he held jack by his hair.Blood was running down his face , dripping onto the cold grey stones.
I gritted my teeth and felt a low growl crawl its way up my throat.
"Now..mark-was it?...I can let you go with your precious angel fuck boy if....you hand over the tablets"
I smirked and chuckled which only gained a scoff from the glowing angel.
"What makes you think we have it"I replied trying to contain the laughter.
I felt a sting in my heart and a warm substance ran down my chest.It wasnt until I looked down and caught a glimpse of  Lucifer cleaning his sword that I realized I had been stabbed.Before I had time to speak the waves of pain hit me hard.Causing me to gasp for air.
"Don't even bother choosing a new body, your stuck in this one"
I could hear the hint of mockery in his voice.As he threw jack aside he pulled me closer.
"Now where are they" I could feel his warm breathe on my skin. Sending chills up my spine.
"Fuck you" I spat out making sure he heard the hatred in my voice.
"Okay, well I'll keep him" he spoke softly, grabbing a fistful of jacks hair and lifting him off of his feet."I'm sure he'll be great in sex"
I bit my lip not wanting to beg for Lucifer.But also not wanting my jack to be fucked by anyone but me.


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