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I didn't feel right.
Something in me was bothering me.
As if I had left behind something important.And it's been killing me for weeks now.
What was it?
A soft gush of wind hit my face making my gaze turn towards the window. Which spilled rows of houses and cars all busy and all moving.People walking from one side to the other all dressed differently and all thinking of something.The trees that stood close to the apartment swayed lightly from the wind.And on the far left corner a little park peaked out.Little black figures to small to make out moved about colorful equipment which I could assume was the playground.
Its been years since I was found unconscious in a park in Wyoming. They had told me I had fallen out of a tree.
Which didn't make much sense either because I didn't have the slightest memory of climbing one and the last thing I remembered was that I was in the hospital visiting my mother.
But that was more than a year ago.So I've blacked out for that long?
How is that even possible?
Sighing I ran my hand through my hair and set down the delicate glass cup onto the flimsy wooden table.
I quickly held both sides to stop it from shaking and toppling over.
It was old and would snap at any moment.Yet she still had it and it rests in her living room.
It was weird how the coffee table reminded me of my mother.
She was once sick and fragile, barely able to walk.Always in bed and stuck to a machine.Needles always piercing into her soft white arms.
"Sean come give me a hand with this"
I walked over to the kitchen to find my mother trying to hold both a large metal pot and a bag of potatoes in arms.
Both objects taking turns swaying themselves in the opposite direction.Almost as if they were imitating a Newton's cradle.
Smiling I took the large pot out of her hands, setting it down gently on the kitchen counter.
"What are you cooking?"
"Oh just cooking some potatoes for the dinner the neighbors invited us to"
"They invited us over for dinner?"
"Yes aren't they sweet?" She said smiling.Her soft brown messy bun slipping out of place and falling over her blue eyes.
I nodded in response taking in how happy she was.
I haven't seen her smile as much in five years.
But now she wasn't sick and smiling is all she does.
Letting my body lean against the counter I watched as she began to peel potatoes.Slowly peeling off the thin brown skin revealing the smooth cream colored body of the potatoe.
My eyes focused on the rhythm of the peeling.
"Could you go run to the store and get me some more pepper,i completely forgot I had run out of it"
"But there is some in the cupboard?"
"No...I think I checked earlier"
"Are you sure?"
"Sean I would know" her voice raising a bit as she spoke.
I smiled politely and nodded.
"Okay well I'll be back"
Grabbing my keys I headed out.
There was a cylinder of pepper on the counter.
She forgot again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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