The ark angel:Michael

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I turned around to see jack struggling to get a tall buff man's arms off from around his waist.
"This human has gone savage!"
"What?! No he just wants to shove his dick in your butthole"
"That's not helping"
I sighed and crushed the bottle over the mans head causing him to fall to the ground roughly.
"What I helped"
"Ya didn't have ta kill him!"
"Yeah well....oops?"
Jack quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the bar pushing past several people.
"Why are we leaving so soon?"
I whined tugging on jacks sweater.
"I think I know where six of the tablets are!"
"I wasn't even drunk yet!"
I continued whining not paying attention to anything that came out of jacks mouth.
" And I didn't even get to kiss a girl or fuck one!"
"Hey listen ta me!"
I looked up at jack lips pouting as I put on my most innocent eyes yet.
"Look ya can kiss as many girls as you want later just not now we need to keep looking"
"Besides I felt an angel nearby as well as a group of demons so we aren't safe here we need ta go"
"Yeah so did I but why should we care?"
"Because they can kill us mark!"
"Yeah but I bet we can fight them besides they don't know where the hell we are jack relax"
"So your working with a filthy demon now huh Sean"
Both jack and I jumped at the sound of a deep voice.
We both turned around and saw the ark angel that stood before us.
His glowing gray wings were stretched out.His vessel was a tall skinny man who wore a black suit and blue tie.His eyes were a shade of bright green and his hair was light brown and curly. His vessel looked young yet spoke with a deep voice.
"Sean where is it?"
I looked at Sean my eyes as wide as plates, no longer feeling cocky.
Sean on the other hand seemed angry and he confidently stepped forward not hesitating at all as he spoke.
"Your going to have to kill me to get it you asshole"
the other angel calmly shook his head and chuckled.
I watched as both angels pulled out their swords.
They were long and sliver both seemed to glow when in their grasp.
I knew what was going to happen. I slowly pulled mine out mine as well gripping it tightly in between my fingers as I stood beside jack knife in front.
There was a second of silence as both angels stared into each others eyes.
"Sean I'm sorry it has come to this brother"
"I am too Michael but I still think what I'm doing is right"
"What is right is the command of God and you have done what is wrong....God does not forgive you and you will be punished with your death.
"Then let us see who truly will be punished today brother"
With that both angels lunged towards each other.A blast of bright light filled the sky and high pitched screams covered the town as both angels ripped at each other.
I helplessly watched as they fought.Ready and in position to strike when needed.I stood to the side forehead covered in a thin layer of sweat.My knuckles white from the tight grip I had on my knife.
I was ready.
I knew what to do.
Jack had explained to me before if this were to happen.
All I needed to do was wait for the sign.

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