What was this feeling?

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I yelled as he was thrown across the street.His body smashed against a car window smashing it to a million pieces.His body was smeared with blood and he couldn't stand up for every time he did he would simply fall back down.
I watched as Michael made his way towards jack.His grip on his sword tight.I ran in front of jack I took his sword from his hand and stood up aiming his sword at Michael.
His eyes stared at the sword and a small smirk formed on his lips.
"Why are you protecting him?"
"Why not?'
I answer back snarling, tighting my grip on the sword.
"I find it funny that a demon is protecting an angel seeing that angels are a demons greatest enemy."
"I have my reasons"
I responded my eyes set on his.Angels are fast and I needed to stay focused or else I'll find myself cut in two within seconds.
I waited patiently for the angel to move but instead her stood in front of me.His bright green eyes pierced into mine.I could tell he was reading my soul.
"There is something different about you....you have a part of you the still has not been ruined....a part of you that is pure?"
"What bullshit are you blabbering about?"
"You're different.... Well I guess that will make you more interesting to murder"
Before I could strike he ran straight into me ,knocking me onto my back.I felt his weight as he sat on my stomach.He lifted his sword getting ready to bring it down.I grabbed his wrists and gripped them tightly making him let go of his sword.Anger burned in his eyes causing him to screech his high pitched yells filling my head.It felt like my head was being shredded from inside.I could feel something warm and thick flow from my ears.I could feel him jerk his arms trying to escape my grasp.But despise the pain I still held on.
I could feel my wrists start to burn.The smell of burning flesh filled my nosterals.God was the human body so weak.
The angels green eyes were seeping in anger.They stared deeply into mine.Suddenly I felt my wrist snap.I looked in horror as my wrist was dangling in a wrong position.Before I could react I felt his cold hands rest on forehead before roughly squeezing.
His green eyes now were glowing white as a grin spread on my face.He suddenly got up and off of me.His face pale and eyes no longer angry but scared.
"H-how are you not d-dead?!"
I smiled picking my self up as I smiled.
"I have a secret or two"
I watched as he slowly backed up his breath shaken with fear.
He kept backing up as I walked closer to him.
As I was feet away when he suddenly lunged at me his sword held high above my head.I stood in place not a single sign of fear on my face for I knew what would happen next.
Michaels sword stood inches from my face.Before falling onto the ground.I watched as a sliver tip stuck out of Michaels stomach.Blood immediately began to form around it.
I smile at jack and he gave me a sorrowful look.I nodded my head as to say to continue. He nodded softly back and twisted the sword causing it to dig deeper in.
The angel let out a loud scream, His eyes and body glowing bright white.And seconds later that white glow left his human vessel leaving a normal dead human boy on the ground. The black imprint of the angels winds lay on the ground around the human vessel.
Both jack and I stood over the body.Both of us were silent for a minute as we took in what happened.I looked over at jack who was starring at the body, his eyes were as big as plates and his already paper white was paler than usual.
I looked down at jacks hands which were covered in dark red blood, they were shaking.
I could tell he was afraid....
I took another look at his hands and without thinking I grabbed his hand holding it gently.
Jack looked at me, his eyes huge and filled with fear.He looked down at our hands which were locked together.
He smiled and used his other free hand to wrap his arm around me pulling me into a hug.
I smiled hugging him back.
God did this feel good.
I could feel myself get warm and tingly inside.
I didn't know what the fuck it was but it felt good.
I hadn't felt anything like it...what the hell was this...this

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