Naive angel

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"Wait I found it!"
"Find what?!"
I looked around seeing only a huge empty grassy field.
"Good you found a field"
Jack immediately began to dig through the grass.
"What the hell are you doing now?!"
"I'm getting the word of god"
"What the hell?"
"It's down here somewhere"
He grunted through his teeth as he dug rapidly into the soil.
"Wow god hides the word of god in  fields, very sneaky"
"Well no one has found it yet haven't they!"
"Yeah apparently we need to think hard to find it"
"Its not too hard to find"
"Yeah only if your smart, apparently you need to think like me"
"Think stupidly?"
"Hey! I- I....FUCK YOU!"
"Hey! Stop with the unholy words!"
"Shut up!"
"Oooo angry jack is sexy as fuck"
"wait merk?"
"You said merk!"
"Yeah so"
"Your accent gets really strong when your angry!"
"Yeah you dumbass"
I began laughing loudly and jack stood up from his position wipeing his hands before  jumping out and attacking me.
"What the"
I fell to the ground with a loud thump.His eyes were pure white and he had an angry expression on his face.He sat on top of me, hands gripping my throat.
I gasped for air tearing at his clothes to get him off.
I couldn't and my vision got hazy.Suddenly I didn't feel his soft hands gripping me.
My vision still hazy I tried to get up but I felt a weight on my stomach that wouldn't let me.After a few seconds of laying on the ground my vision got somewhat better.I began laughing as hard as I could.
The thought of an angel choking a demon was hilarious to me.
I stopped laughing feeling the weight on my body shift down.I quickly looked down realizing that it was jack who sat on me.
He stared at me with huge innocent eyes.I stared into them and they seemed to get closer. Confused I didn't move I keep looking at them in awe.I failed to realize jacks lips being inches from mine.I failed to realize jacks soft hand cupping my face.It wasn't until I felt his lips that I realized what was going on.But I couldn't get myself to pull away from them.They somehow made me want to sink into him further.Without thinking I wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him down on my chest.We later on top of each other lips locked.
We both pulled away to breathe.
"What was that about?"
I asked as jack got off and patted his clothes.
"Carrol did it"
"The little women in the black box"
"You mean the t.v?!"
"Yeah that"
"You- you-"
I burst out laughing.
I couldn't hold it in.
This angel was really naive.
I couldn't believe it.
A T.V really?! I mean I don't go around doing stuff I see on T.V.
But I guess angels are angels.
I stopped laughing seeing jack back on the ground digging into the ground.
A really naive angel.

Another chapter!
Your welcome.

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