When I kissed an angel

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"That's the bar?"
"But its full of whores and sinners and-"
"But your one too"
"Your a sinner!!!"
"No I'm not!"
"Yes you are!"
"No I'm not!"
"Yes you are!"
"hey calm down! do you want to attract attention?!"
"Yeah well i don't care you-you-
"Oooo I'm so offended!"
"You better be!"
"I'm being sarcastic"
"You do know what sarcastic means right?"
"Yeah I just don't know how to offend you"
"Hey! Watch your mouth!"
"Sawyy did I offend you?"
I responded in a child's voice while blinking rapidly.
"Your such a jerk mark"
"Hey the best jerk!"
"Yeah whatever"
I smirk seeing jack annoyed and tugged on his shirt.
"So are we going to go in?"
"Yeah just a sec"
He gently tucked in his long white wings.
I scoffed as I watched.
A bit jealous of them.Seeing as I didn't have wings of my own.
"You really take a long time to tuck em in"
"Yeah well their delicate and I still need twenty more words of god so I need them to take care of them"
"Well that's a lot"
"Yeah well I need to find them before heaven does"
"Do they know where they are?"
"No only I do"
"Huh" I stared at his fragile body chuckling.
"Well I know why heaven is on your ass"
"I know too much"
"Well you do know you don't tell a demon that right?"
"Tell a demon what?"
I snorted through my teeth.
"You'll get kidnapped you dork!"
I sighed grabbing his hand and intertwining my fingers with his.
"So no one takes you from me"
Jack stared at me in confusion his bright blue eyes stared into mine innocently.
"But I thought that only couples hold hands"
"Well....pretend we are one"
"But we aren't even-"
Before he could finish I pulled him in kissing his soft lips.They were so soft that I couldn't get myself to pull away.We stayed a minute on the sidewalk kissing each other.Neither one of us moving away.I could feel jack moving forward wanting more.
Sensing this I pulled away, teasing him and wrapping my arms around his waist.
"I feel.....dirty"
I laughed and kissed jack lightly on the forehead.
"Get used to it because you'll be feeling that for a while"
Jack stared at the ground his pale white arms still around my neck.
"What's wrong?"I asked jack seeing that he hadn't lifted his head.
"I just....I think I liked it..."
"What the kiss?"
He nodded his head slowly causing his green hair to slide down onto his eyes.
"Well......I think I liked it too"
With that I detached my self from him and grabbed his hand dragging him towards the bar.
"Now I'll stop acting weirdly and take you in for a drink!"
"But I don't want a drink"
I shook my head at the whining angel.
"Everyone drinks now get your sexy ass in here"
I slapped jacks ass roughly as I pushed him in.Causing him to jump in surprise to which I chuckled.
I Hated to admit it but I honestly felt like holding him and kissing him, not lustfully but....
I mean it felt weird that i was thinking this.But its been nagging at the back of my mind for a while now.Just the fact that I haven't tied him up and fucked him senseless was impressive to me.If he was just any teen I would of fucked him until he couldn't scream anymore.But for some reason there was this feeling in me that stopped me from doing anything dangerous to him.Almost as if I wanted to protect him....as if....
I quickly shook my head and I ordered a drink.
I sat down in one of the chairs and realized that I was still holding jacks hand.
I quickly let go and cleared my throat.
"So are ya going to order a drink or not?"
"But aren't we too young?"
"That's what the fake IDs are for dumbass"
"You really like using that word don't you?"
"Yeah well you know me always trash talking people"
"Yeah I noticed"
I looked over to see jack was smiling slightly.I stared at his lips wanting so baddly to kiss them.But I stopped myself because I knew that once I began I wouldn't be able to stop.
I looked away from them and focused on the beer in front of me.I began to chug the beer wanting so baddly to forget how happy it made me feel when I kissed him.
When I kissed an angel.

Another chap done!!
Sorry I've been taking so long, schools being a bitch....but I have no choice but to attend or else the women I call a mother would rip my face to shreds.
But anyways...
Hopefully you enjoyed!

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