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    "Why aren't you rotting in hell like you disgusting pieces of shits deserve"
"Oh so little cute angel can cuss" I replied grinning."sexy"
"Shut up you disgust me"
I smiled wider as I read into his meat suit.
Jack huh?...cute.
"Awww does little jackaboy not like being called sexy?"
"Get out of my sight"
"Not before you say please"
"Get out now"
"Okay,okay geez I'm going,I'm going"I slowly pulled out my angel sword.As I calmly walked over to him.
I stood in front of him my face inches from his.
"Goodbye jackaboy"
I quickly joined my lips with his.
I felt him jerk and tryed to push me off.
But I held on and I quickly held my sword over my head getting ready to strike.But as I brought down the sword I felt a strong hands grip mine.
They suddenly pulled me away from Sean and turned me towards him.
I gritted my teeth.
My only brother.
Also known as the dick who tossed me into hell so he could be an angel.
"Erin" What are you doing.
"Its mark now you dick"
"Fine mark just listen to me I'm sorry i-"
I didn't let him finish his sentence ,smashing my sword in his stomach.I watched silently as he screamed and crumbled into a bright light before disappearing completely.
I pulled my blade out of his stomach turning around to jack.
Only to see that he was gone.
"Well great just great".
Now I had to find him again.
This was taking longer than expected.
This wasn't good.
I needed him soon before my time runs out.
Back to square one.
I pulled out my hunters notebook.looking through all the pages.
Surely this old man had something in his stupid notebook.
I didn't steal from a hunter for nothing.
I finally found it smiling.
A tracking spell.
Okay jack daddy's coming.

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