Fucking feelings

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"Wait what's so special about Bethlehem?"
"It is where Jesus Christ was born, it is so much more than special! Its..its...HOLY!"
"Oh so basically it a shit hole"
"How could you say that about Jesus Christ's birthplace?!"
"Uh hello demon we kinda all hate Jesus and angels and god, so yeah FUCK YOU"
"Fuck you?"
He immediately covered his mouth with his hands and his eyes grew as huge as plates.
"I said an unholy word didn't i!"
I burst out laughing gripping my sides.
"why is it such a big deal?!"
I yelled out barely being able to contain my laughter.
"Well I'm still an angel"
He whispered figiting with his hand as he stared at the ground.
"Sure believe what you want to"
I chuckled patting jack on the back.
"I'm serious I don't care that I've been kicked out of heaven I still am an angel and I intend on acting as one"
"Okay,okay that's fine by me but let's get that thing you wanted so we can get out of this city"
"Its so clean and pure its freaking me out"
"Sure I guess but I like this place its peaceful"
"That's cuz your an angel you dork"
"Nevermind just keep looking"
He began walking carefully looking at every detail of the streets.I slowly trailed behind him watching as his ass swayed when he moved.I began to take in every detail of his body. He had a slender figure.his skin was a pale white and his hair was always messy but it suited him in a way.He wasn't completely muscular like me but he still had nice abs.small but still there
"Why did you have to pick such a nice body?"
"What do you mean nice body?"
"You mean my butt?"
"Yes your huge juicy butt"
"You find it attractive?"
"Of course I do you gave me a fricking boner!"
"Uggghh never mind"
"No really tell me what a boner is"
"Do yo really want to know?"
"Well I'm trying to learn as much as I can learn"
"Okay I'll show you!"
I began to take off my pants but was immediately interrupted by jack.
"Please don't"
"But I thought you wanted to know"
"I have the feeling that I don't really want to know"
I chuckled "Its only a dick"
"Just don't"
I scoffed under my breath.
"Whats wrong with you angels"
"HEY! You mean what's wrong with you Demons!"
"Hey what's wrong with us!"
"IS SO!"
"IS SO!"
"What!? It's still offensive"
"No its not"
"Well for me it is"
"Your such a child"
"Hey! I'm 26 just so you know"
"Yeah well I'm 27 so I'm older and smarter"
"That's not important"
"It's everything"
"Shut up I hate you"
"You love me"
I smirked as he blushed.
"N-...no I don't"
"Your cheeks are telling a whole different story"
I smiled as jack walked away, following close.Maybe this guy wasn't so bad.Sure he's gonna need some fixing.But for now he isn't too bad.I guess I could deal with him.Some part of me didn't want to leave him.There was something about him that was almost exciting. Maybe it was the fact that he was an angel.Or that he's stupidity was simply funny and....adorable? Wait..no why was I thinking of him positively?!
He's an angel for god sakes!
All I know is that he's a stupid ass angel who I would be stuck with.And he's annoying as hell and trust me there are some annoying people in hell and jack is beating the highest records.
He's just an angel that's all and I absolutely do not care about him in anyway.
Fucking feelings are messing with me.

Yayyyyyy another chapter!
Hoped you enjoyed!!

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