Chapter 4: A Diffrent Person?

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(Zenir gets dirty[and perverted as hell] when he is around Rei so expect perverted things and swearing from now on)

I wake up the next day to see Rei sleeping with her head hanging off the bed but from the angle I'm at I can see up her skirt. "Why does she sleep so weird." I say as I stop myself from getting a bloody nose and get up. "Well gotta wake her." I say quietly. "How should I do this, so many options." I say as I get a smirk on my face, "She is gonna kill me if I do this, this should be fun." I say as I take my shirt off and lay next to her and wait.

~Some Time Later~

'It's been like 3 hours, wake up already.' I think to myself. "Ugh." Rei says as she slowly wakes up and screams when she sees me "mornin love." I say with a smile on my face. She punches me in the chest and launches me through the wall while covering herself and blushing. 'There is another reason I chose her, and Ow.' I think to myself as I get up. "Sorry bout that Rei I just had to, I can't do the with Laura cause, well you know, plus you give the best reaction." I tell her.

"I hate you, sad thing is I belived it." Rei tells me "I almost wanted it to be real." She says under her breath. "Remember I'm part fallen angel and must I admit they are suppost to be hot." I reply, and she smacks me as she stands up "I forgot how perverted you get around me, and some of the others." She replies. "Can't help it now get ready." I say as I smack her ass and walk out the door before she hits me. "Dick!" I hear her say as I wait outside and put my shirt on.

After some time Rei walks out in a longer skirt with her hood on. "Hey babe." I say to her and dodge her punch, "Don't call me that, how does Laura stand you." She replies. "I'm different depending who I'm with." I tell her. "So you said you where hiding from Sirzechs' little sis?" She asks, "Yea I went into the juggernaut drive, lost control and they had to bring her in." I tell her as I smack my arm off the wall signaling Kelnir told them.

"That dragon is legendary and a curse." She replies. "Im guessin Vali has something for us." I tell her "And why are you wearing a longer skirt?" I ask her. "You know why." She replies, "Also you know only 5 people can help you control the juggernaut and the other 3 are missing, so how did you regain control." She asks. "The red dragon emperor has the ability to blow away a women's clothing by touch, he used it on Irina." I tell her

"So he is like you but worse?" She replies and I smack her ass "Yep he is worse I don't strip them naked." I say as I wink at her. "Your lucky I'm nice to you." She replies. "No your submissive." I correct her and she backhands me. "I had that coming, thanks." I tell her. We walk to the main room that Vali is usually in, "What you got for us?" I shout into the room. "A gauntlet, that sound fun?" We hear someone reply.

"Great another dragon, that smell is horrible." Rei tells me. "Sure Vali." I reply and a magic circle appears infront of us. We enter and appear in a small room with a door and no windows. I open the door and get blasted by a fireball, "Hahaha." Rei laughs at me until I light her dress on fire. She hurries to put it out but it gets trimmed to the normal size(about Kuoh's main uniform size).

I then get up and walk throught the door into a hallway and scan it for traps. Rei catches up with me and I push her lightly into the hall. "Yeah yeah I'll go." She tells me as she walks deeper into the hall and making it to a door. "Its clear." She says from the end of the hall. I start walking and a sword flies towards my head, I do a backflip to avoid it. "So it's a deathrun style gauntlet." I say as I put my hands into my pockets and continue to Rei.

I open the door and look inside to see a small room. "Rooms a trap, this is a deathrun style gauntlet." I tell her and walk in. The door closes behind me and the room starts to fill with gas. 'Its flamable.' I say to myself as I smell in the gas. 'Well might aswell.' I ignite the gas and catch on fire, I quickly douse water on myself to extinguish the flames.

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