Chapter 10: Fate Part 1

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Continuing where I left off...

"Yes I am and you are?" He asks politely, "Before we get to that may I ask we move somewhere alittle more descreet." I ask jesturing to an allyway. "Very well, but I do ask you to go first." He replies, I go in with them following, "Now that a out of the way, I am Zenir Seere, now who would this little flower be?" I say looking towards the girl, "This is my sister Le Fay, a Magician. Also I do belive you worked with Vali before." He says, "Yes, I have, so this girl is the source of the magic?" I say studying her.

"May I ask why you've confronted us, Mr. Seere?" He asks, "I was on the hunt to find servents to fill the remaining Evil Pieces I have, and I noticed a strong source of power." I say only for Kelnir to reply, "And by he, he means me." "Well I suppose we should go our separate ways now." I say turning to leave, "Good day to you." Arthur says and I walk away.

I continue walking, "Look for powerful people." I whisper as I stretch. I continue walking, and my arm tenses up I make my eye turn gold, and I see a powerful source of energy, "That couldn't be them, could it?" I ask myself trying to walk tk the source. I turn the corner only for the source to vanish. "That can't be them, they couldn't have." I say quietly to myself, "What is it?" Kelnir asks, "Nothing." I reply and contine walking

~Short Time Skip~

'Nothing thats unique, maybe I could go for something not human?' I think to myself when my gauntlet shows blocking a slash from a sword, I quickly turn to see him, "Hey demon, long time no see, so how is my brother." Navarr asks going for another slash, I summon my sword and block, "Still kicking are we, can't say you look well, completely lost yourself to your own darkness something Luin is smart enough to resist." I say and go for a slash, it cuts right though him, "Come on you know nothing can hit a shadow." He says swinging.

I block but get knocked back, "Looks like your not recovered after all that." He says mockingly and kicks me down. "Pathetic, Syra sent me here, and I was expecting a good fight." He says disappointed, "You want a fight then." I say getting up releasing my aura, he doesn't move, "Please someone of my calibur isn't easily knocked around, unlike devil trash like you." He insults me, "Not to mention that peerage of yours full of worthless trash left behind by others, even my pathetic brother is with you." He adds.

"Trash talking me is one thing but my peerage, thats something that can be overlooked." I say smirking, "Damn was hoping that would work, well what about your mother she died a coward, hiding behind your father hoping he would protect her-" He starts but is cut off as I stab him in the chest with a spear of light, "Light works better on your kind then is does with devils." I say as I cut him in half, "That should stop you for about an hour." I say making a circle.

"Just going to run away damned coward!" He says as I teleport out, I arrive at my peerages house, "Fee bring Luin to me!" I shout as I lean on a wall holding my side, "And Nyx!" I add, Luin appears, "What happened to you?" He asks, "Oh just an encounter with your brother." I say and Nyx arrives, "You used Light didn't you." She sighs. "Against a shadow yeah, incase you forgot only light is able to hit a full shadow, hurts like a bitch when I use it." I say as Nyx goes to heal me, "So Mire got some info on some people Syra hired." Luin says.

"Yeah who are they?" I ask, "My brother, that guy wih white hair, and the last one we know is Xenon." He says, I cough up blood, "Nyx your suppost to be healing me." I yell at her, "Fuck off I'm doing my best, your body just wont accept it." She says, Luin walks off, "Good now that hes gone, I'm pretty sure the damned dragon is doing this." She says, "I figured that, his power has been growing." I say and Oasis walks in.

Nyx finishes, "Say whats on your mind." She orders me, "What do you mean?" I ask stretching, "I was in your mind, helped to heal your wounds." She says, "Fine, but this stays between us, the only reason I'm still alive is because I want to keep everyone happy, I feel like if I die I'm letting everyone down, I've been waiting forever for a natural death to happen, thats why I decrease my life so much, I'm tired of it to be honest." I sigh.

"Why don't you just tell them, they might not like it but they will understand." She say, "Yeah no, I'm not going to do that, thanks for the chat 'doctor' but I'm going to go train." I say turning to leave, "You're going to kill yourself if you keep pushing it." She says, "Thats the plan." I say and walk out. I go to the training room and summon a shadow clone of myself, I summon my sword and get ready. It starts off by shooting me with a powerful magic attack, I go to block but get a sharp pain in my arm and the attack hits me, I get blasted back into the wall, I get up and see the clone pick up my sword.

I make a circle on my palm and go to blast it with magic but nothing happens, 'So now you choose to strike?' I say as the clone vanishes, I turn to see Nyx, "I told you to take it easy, now you've lost confidence." She says as she heals me, "Or your healing ability is becoming less effective." I say, "Or your just loosing it." She snaps back. I stand up, "I'm going for a walk so leave me alone." I say making a portal.

I arrive in the town at night, I start walking using my magic to conseal myself, 'That should keep them from following.' I think to myself as I see Fee, I turn and walk away, 'Don't see me.' I pray and get a headache, 'Right not that strong.' I think as I find myself at a park, I hear metal moving around me, I look around but can't see anything I continue walking and I see a girl sitting near the fountain looking at the stars, "Hey Zen did ya miss me?" She says and sits up looking at me, "Aria, why are you here." I ask.

"Don't be silly I'm here to finish what I started, Syra sent me along with these two." She says and I turn to see the white haired guy and Nervion, "Your looking better Bud." I say to Navarr, and I get inpaled by a dark spear, I cough up blood as I take out the spear, "That hurt ok so let me guess do I need kill you all for real this time." I say summoning my armor.

I see an army of armor appear from the trees and they all attack me, I fight them off and see a flash of light in the distance, I fly up and see my peerage (the ones introduced) fighting the army, I get pulled down and Aria shatters my armor with some knives, the army focuses on my peerage while the other 3 focus on me, "Nyx why the hell are you here?" I shout as I blast the 3. "Simple you went incognito you usually end up in a park." She explains as I feel a sharp pain in me, I look down and see a dagger in my stomach.

'Fuck its a cursed blade my blood wont protect me from this wound.' I think as I hear a voice in my head as I blackout, "Do you want to win this fight or die?", "Yes." I say, "Then use the Juggernaut, let all your anger out remember Kat." The voice says, 'Who is Kat?' I try to remember but fail and I wake up to see Rei and Oasis fighting Aria, while Luin and Nyx fight Navarr and Fee and Mire fight the white haired guy. 'It's not the time yet.' I think as I get up and see Syra.

Continues in Part 2

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