Chapter 5 continued

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I get changed into the guys gym uniform and walk outside the change room seeing Issei waiting for me. "Hey I heard that your rivaling Kiba for the Prince of Kuoh in the eyes of the girls." He tells me, "Great I don't really care to much though." I reply. "Oh and apparently we are doing something with new, and its with the girls." He tells me, "Yeah a four legged race two girls per guy apparently." I tell him.

"Yeah the teach is picking the teams." He replies, "Rei is gonna kill someone if she gets paired up with Motohama or Matsuda." I tell him. "Ok the teams are on the wall." The teacher yells out. Me and Issei go check the list and See 'Zenir, Irina, Asia. Issei, Rei, Xenovia.' "Well she wont like this." I tell him. "Hey Zenir, I switched places with Asia." I hear Rei tell me.

I turn to see her in the gym uniform and me and Issei nearly get a bloody nose. "So its me, you and Irina?" I ask. "Yeah I wasn't going to be with the 'Breast Dragon Emperor' cause I don't trust him." She tells us. "Just be careful cause you don't want to accidentally grope them if you take a bigger step then them." He warns me. Me and Rei go up to Irina. "Hey Irina looks like were in a group." I tell her. "Yep I'm glad I get to spend time with Rei as well." She says with a smile.

"So how we gonna do this?" I ask. "I was thinking you in the middle so you have to kinda walk at our speed." Irina tells me. "Sure." I reply as she ties my feet to hers and Rei's. I force myself not to think dirty and hide myself from blushing from being around two 'hot' girls. "Alright so who is gonna take the first step?" I ask. "Why don't you and Rei try so you can get adjusted to her steps, since our legs are closer to the same length." Irina says as she puts her arm around my waist. I hold my breath and do the same with both her and Rei.

As I do Rei tries to hide a slight blush. She takes a step and I follow but Irina almost trips but I catch her by the stomach, "Thanks and good catch." Irina thanks me. "Your lucky he went lower usually he goes for his chest level cause he normally isn't like this." Rei tells her. After about 3 tries we get the hang of it and the teacher calls us to the starting line. "Hey looks like your also in the middle." Issei tells us as he is in the middle of Asia and Xenovia.

"Yeah and we are gonna win this." I say with a smirk, "Your not gonna use your magic to cheat." Rei hits me lightly. "I wont I don't cheat at athletic activities, or at all." I say looking towards Irina. "Well you recover fast after getting blasted and from losing all your magically power." She says "So you have to be fit, or you'd send a bad example for your peerage." She continues.

"Get ready!" The teacher yells at us as we get ready to start. We hear the bell to start and me and Issei take the lead. "Your good at this Bud, but not as good as me." I say as we take the lead with me practically carrying Rei and Irina. "Zenir slow down or were gonna fall." Irina tells me as I slow down a bit so they can walk. And we pass the finish line and Rei trips making us all fall.

Irina and Rei land on me. "Lets make it look like that was intentional." I tell them as I untie our legs. I then flip myself up and lend them a hand. "Thanks." Rei says with a slight blush as I help her up. "Thanks." Irina thanks me. "No problem loves." I tell them both. I overhear Matsuda saying "Hes one lucky SOB." I look towards him who is without a team along with Motohama.

"You can now do whatever." Says the teacher. "Good job on the race." Issei tells us. "Hey you guys wanna have a normal race?" I ask them. "Sure It'll be fun." Irina says and Xenovia follows with Rei. "So us four?" I ask while stretching. "He gets really competitive, so he will seem different." Rei tells them. "I'll do the countdown." Issei tells us. "3....2....1.... GO!" He shouts as we start running, I dart ahead by about 5 meters "This race will be over soon." Rei says as she runs past Irina and Xenovia. "Damn their fast." Xenovia says as she and Irina try to catch up to Rei.

Abyss Dragon Emperor (A Highschool Dxd Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang