Chapter 5: Lord Seere

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Out of the circle walks a tall man with jet black hair and orange eyes in a suit. I just hide behind the bed out of his sight. 'Please don't see me.' I think to myself, "You can stop hiding son and introduce your father to your friends." He says and I get up and mope towards him. "This is my father, father these are my friends, Rias and Irina you already know Rei." I tell him. "Hello sir." Rei says as she shakes his hand.

"Still serving my son I see." My father replies to her "Yes and he is still perverted towards me." She replies. "I see my son has the same interests in women as me." He says with a smile. "Thats part of the reason I entrusted you to him, also that you might knock some sense into him." He says. "Ah that hair, are you Rias Gremory?" He says to Rias. "Yes I am, its an honor to meet you Lord Seere." Rias bows to him.

"Please call me Varis." He says to her, "Now I understand open house is starting soon, am I correct?" He asks. "Yes it will be in 3 days." Rias replies. "Thank you Rias, if I was to ask my son he wouldn't tell me." He thanks her. "So where is Laura?" He asks me. "Hell if I know I only woke up after getting injured not to long ago." I tell him as I go to lay on the bed. "What did you do." He yells at me.

"Ask my darling rook." I say looking at Rei. "Ok Rei what did he do?" He asks politely, "We used the red dragons power to boost my power to see if I could use magic, and then he-" She starts. "Don't tell me, I think I already know." He then goes upto her and whispers "he groped you didn't he." She nods "And then you blasted him." He says laughing. "Not funny dad." I tell him and he looks at me.

"I'll be quiet." I say going under my sheets. "Wow thats a first usually he is as stubborn as a rock, yet you seem to scare him." Irina says to him. "Where do you think his magic comes from, his mother was more into the physical side of fighting, yet I didn't mind it." He tells them. "So kid how about a little match." He says while making the bed vanish. "I don't have a choice do I." I say and see him smiling.

We head outside and Varis changes into standard clothing with his magic. "Don't hold back kid cause I wont." He gets into a swordsmen stance. 'Shit.' I think to myself summoning my sword amd readying myself. I then turn my eye back to gold and wait. He charge towards me and swings, I block with my sword and we all hear a clang and sparks fly out. "He has no sword?" Irina looks confused.

I then swing towards his chest and hit nothing but we hear a clang with sparks coming out again. "How is he doing that?" Irina asks. "Lord Seere has the an ability to force his magic into any shape yet it remains invisible." Rei explains. We continue exchanging blows until BOOM I get blasted backwards and my father forms a magic circle on his hand. "Damn this is gonna hurt if I don't stop this now." I say to myself as I summon my gauntlet. "Knight." I say quietly and vanish.

"That trick wont work on me I taught you that, Rook." Varis says and readies himself. I tap his shoulder and kelnir says "MIMIC!" "Now it's my turn." Varis say and makes multipul magic circles in his palm and blasts my sword away with his magic. "Wow hes not holding back." Irina says. "Hey dad remember what Kelnir can do." I say with a smirk and make the circles in my palm.

"Common kid take your best shot." He tells me and I reveal my wings releaseing the seals on my power and my wings go normal(fallen and devil wings). I then release a beam of magic at him that gets amplified by the circles and use my other hand to add lightning to it. It hits him and a cloud of smoke rises and we all hear clapping, "Good job kid yet still weak." He tells me as he readies another attack.

"Should we stop them?" Irina asks kinda worried. "It would be best to stay out of their way, they will tire themselves out sooner or later." Rei tells them. "Don't forget I'm the Abyss dragon emperor father." I tell him as my gauntlet glows and starts to change forms into (look at the picture.)

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