Chapter 7: This is the begining

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I walk back into the main room and take a seat on the couch. Rei walks in from the circle and sits next to me, "So what happened under the smoke?" Rei asks me. "Hell I don't remember, I kinda blacked out and when I came to Rias was laying on the ground half dead, so I used my weak healing magic to restore her vitals so she wouldn't die seems like I did a good job since she had minor injuries on her." I explain. "Kelnir do you remember anything?" I ask looking towards my arm, "Yes your stance, your facial expression, and your eyes changed it was rather odd." He tells us.

'So it's starting to surface.' I think to myself. "Wonder when the rest of the team is gonna surface, I hope the bitch Nyx doesn't show." Rei says as she relaxes. "Be nice you gotta treat your team with respect, remember she is fragile unlike you. Then again she knows magic." I say as I stretch. Rei hits my stomach lightly making me cough, "What?" I say looking towards her she is pointing towards Akeno and Luin holding Rias up, "She gonna be ok?" I ask kinda worried. "She just needs to rest but when Issei finds out he is gonna want to fight you." Akeno says as they head towards the bedroom.

"Issei is coming." Rei says looking towards the door, Issei walks in the door with Kiba and sees Rias. "What happened?" He yells running to her. "A game between Zenir's house, she just needs some rest." Akeno says as he looks towards me, "Let me guess you want to fight." I ask and he nods. I lead him through the portal, "Boost or this will hurt." I order him as he summons his BB and starts boosting.

He boosts alittle over 1000 times, from his anger at me for hurting Rias. I stand about 10 feet from him. "Begin." I say as I summon my armor and fly up, he follows me with fast speed and punches my gut. I return the favor and knee him and elbow him using my force to drive him into the ground. "I'm more experienced at hand to hand then you." I say as I grab him and toss him into the air. His jets come on and he flies up readying a dragon shot, "Bishop." I say as I make a barrier.

He fire the shot and it hits the sheild destroying it but stopping the shot. I charge my magic and release a shot at him, he dodges it. I charge towards him with my armor's wings out, "Rook." I say as I punch him in the chest and hear a cracking sound. He gets back up and throws a punch at my head, I catch his hand and twist his arm making it snap. "Look your gonna die if you keep this up." I warn him as he sweeps at my legs, I jump over his leg and charge my magic. "Queen." I say as I punch Issei with magic around my fist at lightning speed.

His armor vanishes and he falls to the floor, I fix his arm and use my weak healing magic on his chest. "Ddraig anything bad?" I ask examining Issei. "Just get him to Asia and he will live." He replies and I pickup Issei and toss him over my shoulder and walk towards the circle. I walk in and look for Asia, "Hey Asia you here?" I shout and see Asia looking down from the stairs and sees Issei.

"Oh." She says worried running towards me with her SG out, I put Issei on the couch and she runs to heal him. "What happened?" Asia asks me as she looks over him, "He push his limits in a fight against me, I managed to stop his major injuries." I say as I tap her shoulder, "MIMIC!" Kelnir says as a green light wraps around my hands and I start helping her. "Ughh." Issei says as he slowly opens his eyes, "What happened?" He asks as he sits up. "I knocked your ass out before you did more damage to yourself." I say as the light vanishes.

"Asia keep an eye on him, I'm gonna relax in the springs." I say as I walk towards the springs. I walk in and change into a towel and sit in the springs, closing my eyes.

~Some Time Later~

I wake up in a tanktop and jeans in the basement and see Rei looking at me curious, "What are you doing?" Rei asks. "I dunno, I just woke up here?" I say curious, "Then where were you napping?" She asks. "In the springs." I respond, "You were missing for 3 days." Rei tells me as Rias walks down. "Oh good Rias your ok." I say releaved, "Yes, did anything important happen while I was recovering?" Rias asks. "You missed him going missing." Rei replies pointing to me.

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