Chapter 8: Trouble

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Pictures ahead! Also Zenir is WAY more perverted with Oasis at times. And sorry about the constant publishing and unpublishing wattpad is being dumb.

We arrive at Issei's house Laura has joined us, "Shall we go see Mire?" I say, "Sure she will be happy to see you!" Fee says cheerfully, "Alright Laura will you do the honor." I say and she opens a circle, "Wish to join us Rias?" I ask, "I have things to do." She says, we walk in and arrive, "Been a while since I've been here." I say turning around to my Peerage's house.

" I say turning around to my Peerage's house

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"I see you've been tending to the place Fee." I say. We walk in,

We head up the stairs, to Mire's door, I listen and hear her singing and playing some simple notes, (my friend told me to pick this) "Embrace the dark, you call a home

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We head up the stairs, to Mire's door, I listen and hear her singing and playing some simple notes, (my friend told me to pick this) "Embrace the dark, you call a home." I open the door to see Mire in her sleepware.

"Well aren't you improving." I say making her jump, "What are you doing here!" She says pulling her shirt down, "Relax I've seen you naked before, I heard you were here, so where are the others?" I say walking upto her and putting my arm around her, "I don't mind you it's just Luin and Rei are here, I'm not some eye candy for Luin and Rei is." She stops, "You're what?" I ask, "Still oblivious to this." She says, I close the door, "So where are they?" I ask and follow her to the computer. She puts on some proper clothes and ties her hair up then takes a seat. (The 1st picture in her profile)

"Nyx is roaming the underworld, Quin is working as a Mercenary for anyone who pays, Oasis is currently checking on a lead about a dragon god emperor, and Rei, Luin, Laura, and Fee are well with you, and no info on the others now go away." She says, "Not going to rejoin my peerage, or are you going to go rogue and make me have to deal with you." I say narrowing my eyes. She tenses up, "Well I'm waiting for your answer." I say readying a circle on my hand, "Alright fine I'll help you Zenir." She says and I remove the circle.

"Sorry what was that." I say raising an eyebrow, "I am loyal..." She murmurs, "I can't hear you." I say, "I am loyal to you master." She says louder. "Good girl." I say patting her head. Rei opens the door, "Really you made her say it." She says, "How else will she prove her loyalty." I say. She shrugs, "So Mire, I think were going to move back in here, are the other rooms clean?" I ask, she nods, "Ok go to your rooms!" I order them and they quickly go. "See you at dinner." I say to Mire as I walk out of her room.

Abyss Dragon Emperor (A Highschool Dxd Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt