Chapter 9: Meetings

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I'm back and here is another chapter, I wanted to be somewhat lazy during this so yeah... now onto the actual story.

Time skip of 2 days with nothing important happening Zenir is seemingly recovered, and Luin, Laura, and Fee are back.

"Wake up." I hear Oasis tell me, "Alright I'm up, what is it." I ask still half asleep. "Quin won't respond, Kyuu didn't respond and Nyx is busy." She says, "Tell Nyx Demon Dragon and she should reshpown (my attempt at slurred speech)-" I start but slowly start to pass out. She shakes me violently, "Ok I'm up now." I say more awake, "Tell Nyx Demon Dragon and she should respond and as for Quin and Kyuu, we will need to be patient." I say sitting up.

"Now lets bring up some history." She says and sits on the bed, "Ok odd topic?" I question, "Why did you send us away after you said you'd work for the Little Dragon?" She asks, "I did it because I didn't want me to you your burden, you all could do other things, so now Kyuu is with her kind, Quin can get cash, Nyx can be without Rei, Rei could be away from Nyx, Fee would learn to give me space, you would learn to respect your father, Syra could learn to socialize, Luin could stop with his perversion, and Mire could work on her singing." I explain

"You know I won't ever agree with my father and your hiding something from me." She says, "The world evens things out even without god, for instance Rei has incredible strength with no magical ability where as Nyx is the opposite." I say, "What are you getting at?" She asks, "I'm trying to say the world evens out there cannot be imbalance for long, no one can be powerful and not have flaws, and if they are they don't last long." I explain, "Now you have to go send that message." I say walking away.

~Short Time Skip~

"You know you still need to help Ophis defeat Great Red." Kelnir says, "I know and let me guess I'd need the juggernaut drive?" I say, "It would make it easier." He states as I sit on the couch, "Hey Master we got a message from Nyx." I hear Fee yell as she dives onto the couch, "What is it." I say. "She said Syra has joined Ophis and has heard that you were looking for the others." She says with her normal cheery tone. "Ok now go away." I say as I turn on the TV.

"But Master Nyx wants to meet with you and you alone!" She says, "Alright fine now go away." I say standing up making a circle. "Be safe Master!" Fee says as I teleport away.

Somewhere on a beach.

"About time you showed up." Nyx says, "Yeah yeah, so you coming to stay with us?" I ask, "Do you want me to?" She asks, "As long as your with me when I need it." I say, she nods, "Any word on Quin?" I ask, "Still out for cash and she unlocked her Sacred Gear." She says, "After all these years, alright get my cash from the vault and 'hire' her when I need it." I ask. I make a circle, "I'll be seeing you soon." I say and teleport back. The moment I get back I get tackled by Fee.

"Get off me Fee." I say pushing her off, "But I was so worried!" She says standing up, I brush myself off, "Fee you need to learn to LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shout at her. "But how else would you know I care?" She says with a pouting face. "Believe me when I say I know already." I say slightly annoyed, "Alright, I'll lay off... for now." She says that last part quietly, "What?" I say, "Nothing!" She says slightly startled.

I make a circle, "Want anything while I'm out?" I ask, "Can you pick me us some clothes and some cat-nip!" She says excitedly, "I swear that is like a drug for you." I sigh and teleport out. I arrive in an ally and summon Tenir, he changes into his human form.

"Yes master?" He asks, "Shopping you seem more in touch with what girls like so buy some clothes for Fee, also some cat-nip." I say handing him money. He nods and walks off hiding his ears. 'Glad he picked me as his master.' I sigh as I go walk around.

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