Say It Again~Damian Wayne x Reader |Imagine|

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Short Imagine 😅

You know the basics so...

[Imagine Saying your first words and Damian trying to catch it]

"Stubborn Brat"

He could've swore-no- was positive he heard you say something. Damian stared at your 2-year old body-more like glared- at your innocent face. Your bright/alluring E/C eyes stared back innocently.

....But being 2 years old, you got bored and began to chew on your pointer finger.

Unsatisfied and annoyed Damian left the room again.


In flash like speed the young boy entered the room. Once again you stared at him innocently, a pout forming on your lips. "What the hell are you pouting at" Damian growled. His eyes narrowed at your form in an attempt to scare you. "Listen here brat" He roughly picked your up from the collar of your top, "I don't like these games your playing, so you could either spit it out or stop talking all together". He dropped you onto the large armchair and left without a word.

Your eyes began to water at the roughness of his tone, not to mention he dropped and left you on the armchair alone in a big dark room. Your face began to redden and your nose became runny. In protest to stop the tears, your little fists kneaded at your eyes, were only 2 years old.

Feeling quiet guilty about his outburst, Damian returned to the room (for like the 4th time) to apologize. Small sobs filled the room, and in the dark. engulfed by the large chair, was the H/C haired girl balling her eyes out.

"TT, stop crying"

The sight of Damian made you cry more.

His stoic gazed softened. Slowly walking towards your shanking form, he awkwardly put a hand on your head. "Oi. S-stop the years immediately". Damian was new to this situation. Feeling awkward he took a step back and used his thump to wipe the tears from your face.


Damian's eyes widened. Did you just-


You were annoyed he had not answered your previous pleas.


Waking from his trance of shock, realization struck his face when he sees your outstretched arms. He lifted you up from under your eyebrows and brought you to his face. A smile soon appeared on your lips and you giggled happily, pleased that you had finally been picked up.

"Dami!" You giggled happily, putting a slobbery kiss on his nose.



Sorry for the shortness!

Stay Whelmed My Peeps


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