Shorts and Nosebleeds~Damian Wayne x Reader

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You guys know the formula by now.

Let's do this~


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It was the shift of winter to spring, and boy, was it heating up. During the school year you had worn jeans, and sweatpants, since Gotham was a bit chillier than other cities. It was a steaming 80-90 degrees and you settled on your last resort. A pair of High Waisted Shorts. 

"Is that Y/N?"

"Bro, Just, Bro..Look"

"Holy Shiitake mushrooms"

Your face tinted pink at the comments, you received, walking down the hallway to your First Class. A certain Ravenette managed to sneak a glance at your retreating figure. 'The Hell is that commotion'.  His face blossomed into a shade of red never seen. You and Damian shared many classes together, 4 to be precise, and he had developed quite the crush on your quiet personality. He subconsciously eyed your figure as you disappeared down the hallway, his eyes trailing from your shoulders, to your back, to y- "Damnit Damian! Get a hold of yourself!" He cursed himself, stuffing his belongings into his locker, sneaking on glance to your thighs as soon as you turned the corner.


Ate the age of 16, going on 17, and having seen more gruesome sights most kids haven't, being in more fights, wars, seeing more bloodbaths, and going through mental and physical pain No one should have to, this task should have been easy. It was only 45 minuets, 45 minuets he had to pay attention to the teacher and be free to go to lunch, but Damn. Over the course of the day your shorts have risen to almost the curve of your butt, and were crawling up your inner thighs. This made them shorter than they were intended and it way more difficult for the Assassin to concentrate.

"Hey Damian" your hushed voice awoken him from his trance. "What do you want L/N" He whispered back, glancing your way (and thighs). You slid your notebook filled with notes for the upcoming test that Damian was of course, not informed of. His green eyes widened slightly in shock that someone has given, him of all people, there notes. "'TT' Don't expect a thanks" He 'TT'ed and began hastily copying the notes onto his blank notebook.

It seemed like time had passed too soon. Students flooded into the hallways, the sound of voices and footsteps molded together into a buzz. Unfortunately, you were swept into that exact crowd, hastily leaping from your desk and almost racing to the courtyard.

"Wow Y/N, I've never expected you to be one to wear something that revealing" Your dark haired friend smirked, "and here I thought you were so innocent." He/She tossed her hair in a sassy manner. You groaned in response and pulled the shorts down, which in reality barely helped. The shorts seemed to rise with every movement you made.


After a long day of cat-calls, wolf whistles, flirty winks, and constant "lovey dovey" looks thrown your way, the bell rang, signaling freedom from a hell known as History Class. As if God himself heard your prayers, the hallway emptied out quickly and you were one of the only one in the corridor.

You suddenly felt a presence behind you.

"You shouldn't wear something so revealing"

A certain green eyed teen said. "I've been told" You answered, facing the boy with a monotone expression.

Damian stepped closer, to the point your chests touched and trapped you between the wall. His next words caused your face to bloom into a new shade of red.

"Although I suggest you cover up, I don't know if I can control myself someone else stares at your ass"


Wenk Wonk

I'll try to update again soon

Stay whelmed my peeps!


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