Risky Thought

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      The minute the Sheriff pulled into the Stilinski drive way, Stiles got out slamming the car door without saying a word. Scott pulled up on his bike beside the car, at a loss of what to do.

Stiles had already went inside the house and stomped up the stairs to his room, he didn't feel like dealing with anything right now, that included the concern from his dad and his Bestfriend, he didn't want their sympathy, although he knew they only wanted to help. He just wanted to be alone.

He slammed his bedroom door shut and collapsed on his bed, laying on his back, his right arm resting on his forehead, shielding his eyes.

He was surprised neither Scott or his dad followed him up here, or even knocked on the door yet, but he guess they figured they should give him some space, which he was grateful for.

'How am I suppose to get through this, mom..?' he voiced inside his head. He then closed his eyes, and soon sleep completely took him.


   Scott slumped down on the worn out couch with a heavy sigh. He was still at the Stilinski house. He wanted to go talk to stiles and see if he was okay, but he knew that he wasn't and that talking to him will probably only make things worse.

But just Leaving seemed to be out of the question, so he decided to stay for a while.

Sheriff Stilinski walked up to him with two cups of coffee in his hands, offering the alpha one of them. Scott gladly accepted the offered drink, even if he wasn't really a coffee drinker he sipped on the beverage anyway.

The sheriff sat at the chair opposite of him sipping on his cup as well. After a long comfortable silence the Sheriff spoke.

"My wife.." he began. "She acted a lot like this too when we found out her condition.." he sipped on his coffee once more.

"She would be paranoid over every little thing and snap at me and Stiles for no reason. She would just push us away.. though I knew it was just the disease making her act like that, it still hurt, to see her that way." Setting his cup down he brought his hands to his face.

"I don't want my son to go through all that.. It would be like going through the pain all over again.." he took a shaky breath trying to contain himself.

Scott looked down at the floor, not knowing how to respond. He never seen the Sheriff so vulnerable and never thought he would open up to him like this, he wished he could help in some way.

Scott stood up to place a hand on the sheriff shoulder to comfort him, he's been doing a lot of comforting here lately..

"It's going to be okay." He managed to say.
'I hope..' he thought. The sheriff gave him a sad smile.

"Thanks Scott. I'm really glad Stiles has a friend like you.."

Scott only nodded. After finishing his coffee he stood from the couch.

"I should probably get going, I got to be at the clinic in an hour." The alpha muttered. The sheriff nodded in understanding.

"Alright, take care, son."

"I'll probably come by again tomorrow, if that's okay?" Scott questioned.

"Scott, you know you're always welcome, so come anytime." The sheriff smiled.

They said their goodbyes and Scott left on his bike, leaving the sheriff in an empty living room.

He sighed and took out some files from a drawer and place them on the table. He decided to work on an unfinished case that was temporarily put on hold to get his mind off his son. He didn't want to think about what Stiles is going through or soon to be going through.

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