True Alpha

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**A/N - for this chapter I'm trying to fall a little into season 5, though a lot of things will change and be different, so this will fall into a little of episode 1, 5A**
and also super long chapter yay!*


After class was dismissed, Scott fled quickly to his next class that he had with Stiles.

After receiving his text, he knew immediately what it meant, and yet he still didn't understand why there was no effect from the bite until now.

Scott walked in to his history class, he spotted Stiles sitting at his desk looking quite dumbfounded and seemed to be deep in thought, he didn't even notice Scott walk in until he took his seat in his usual desk beside him, making Stiles jump slightly.

"There you are!" The alpha addressed him. The action only causing Stiles to wince and cover his ears with his hands.

"Dude, could you not be so loud!" Stiles harshly whispered.

Scott cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"But I'm talking norm-" he paused when realization hit him. "Oh.. you're hearing is all enhanced." He stated more than questioned.

"Yea, very enhanced. I can hear everything Scott.. I can hear the electricity running through the wires of the school, people talking from all different directions, birds chirping and car horns that's miles away from here, and hearts beating and blood pumping.." he paused for a moment taking a steady breath. Scott gave him an unreadable look.

"I see.." Scott replied. "Strange. When I first turned I could hear things clearly but not miles away.."

"I don't know, man. All I know is that I'm hearing so many things all at once and it's freaking overwhelming. So I've been trying to focus on my own heart beat and block out everything else, and so far it's kind of working." Stiles whispered slightly.

"Good, you're already learning fast." Scott praised. "By the way, did the bite heal?"

"It did, it's gone. It's very gone." Stiles replied anxiously, while showing him his very normal looking arm that wasn't wrapped in bandages anymore.

"Okay. But other than the hearing do you feel any different? You feel any aggression?" The alpha questioned.

"No," suddenly a loud growl erupted from his stomach slightly startling him.
"Though I am hungry." He then lifted his nose up in the air. "Oh, good the cafeteria is serving pizza today!"

"Huh?" Scott also sniffed at the air, he didn't catch any smell of pizza, mainly just body oder from students and cleaning chemicals. "You can smell that far?"

"Guess so." He shrugged.

"Wow, Stiles that's pretty amazing.. I think your senses are a lot stronger than the average werewolf, even me and I'm an alpha." Scott admitted.

"Mr. McCall," Mr. Yukimura cut in from the front of the class. "I do hope my class isn't interrupting your conversation." The alpha in question sat up straight.

"Uh, no sir. Sorry." He apologised. Kira's father only shook his head and went back to his lesson.

"We'll talk about this later." Stiles whispered. He then brought his attention to the board. At least now with his enhanced senses he could focus better than before.


Sheriff Stilinski was worried. Well, what else was new? But this time his concern wasn't directed toward his son, but toward his deputy.

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