Chapter two: My promise to you.

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My dearest little brother, I want you to know I'll always be there to protect you. Mikael may see you as weak but I can reinsure you that you're the mightiest little boy I have ever laid eyes on, don't ever think for a second that you're alone in this world because I promise you're not. I'll see you again some day, little brother.
Always and forever,
"Babe, I'm home." Charles walked through the door setting his keys on the kitchen counter.

"Hey, how was work?" I kissed his cheek while heading into the kitchen.

"Surprisingly good, got a lot of stuff done and where is Naomi and Vivianne?"

"They're in their room probably bickering over Barbie dolls but they've missed you all day, coffee?" I handed him a cup of coffee.

After he walked up to check on the girls I went to do some research on what has happened at Mystic Falls but moments before then I heard my name being yelled.


I stood up and vamp sped up stairs to see Vivianne on the floor surrounded by a pool of her own blood with a letter beside her. I picked up the letter and read it.

This will never end unless you give us something and that something is your little precious Naomi.

The tears ran down my cheeks like never before and my head was pounding, they can't take my little girl. I promised to protect them both and yet I failed. I need to talk to my siblings, this has gone on too long. First I get a letter then this happens, I can't even imagine what would happen next.

"What happened?"

"I have no idea I came upstairs to see Naomi locked in our bedroom then I opened Vivianne's door to see our little girl laying there dead."

I walked into Charles and I's room to get the two letters that I had wrote incase things went horribly wrong and I guess that time is now. I only had just had Naomi when I wrote these letters because I never knew when danger would sneak up.

I took the letter out of my bedside table drawer, walked down the hall into Naomi's room and placed it on her pillow then I walked out and called for Naomi.

"Naomi come to mommy."

"Mommy, daddy please don't cry she's going to be okay."

"Naomi, what do you mean? Do you know who did this to your sister?" I brush the hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear.

"The man, he said that she would come back." I fell to my knees knowing what the words that came out of my little girl's mouth meant.

"No!" I slammed my hands against the wall making a hole in it.

"Babe?" Charles looked at the wall then back at me terrified.

"She's in transition, my poor baby girl." I crawled over to her and put her head into my lap.

"What do you mean transition?"

"She died with vampire blood in her system, I never told you what I really am Charles."

"W-what are you then?"

"I'm a thousand year old vampire that left her family after she turned because I'm a coward, now one of my daughter's is dead and the other is in danger." I picked up Vivianne's cold body, walked past my fiancé who was still in shock and Naomi.

"Where are you going, mommy?"

"To do the right thing baby doll, I'll be back okay just not for a little while, that's a promise."

"Okay mommy, I love you."

"I love you too pumpkin, remember do not let anyone in the house." I vamped down the stairs and out the door.

I took Vivianne to the hospital because they have a supply of blood bags that I could easily access for her.

Hello! Chapter two of BloodLust is finished and yes I know it's short but next chapter will be a little bit longer!
Thank you for reading! Xx

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