Chapter sixteen: Road between dead and alive.

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Dear Charles,
You may never see this but it's worth trying right? Well our dearest daughter Naomi was captured by some damned fools whom injected her with a serum that has killed her. I'm going to bring her back and that's where you come in, I need your power because I can't do this alone.
Meet me at the old church.
- Adelaide Mikaelson x
Walking into the old church brought back too many memories of where I would watch my siblings walk in and out, looking at me but not knowing who I am and man did that hurt but it helped them live their lives doing their own things. "A-Adelaide? Is that you?" Father Kieran said walking into the church.


"What brings you here? I'm not sure I understand." He shook his head in pure confusion which came off as no surprise.

"I'm here with my daughter, well her corps. I have to bring her back to life."

"Is that even possible?" I could tell his mind was spinning with so many questions.

"It is if you're a sorceress."

"A sorceress?"

I nodded my head. "It's another name for a witch, Kieran."

"I'll just be in the attic." I smiled but his face soon dropped and looked scared.

"You can't go up there."

"And why not?"

"I said no." His face became filled with angry but I couldn't take no for an answer. "Sorry Kieran, that's not good enough." I snapped my fingers, Kieran's body flew back and hit the wall of the church.

I picked up Naomi's body off the pew and headed up to the attic, when I heard the church doors open behind me.

There stood Charles, the one person I was praying would come and help me. "Charles." I sighed with a smile plastered on my face.

"What happened?" He ran towards me taking Naomi's body from my hands. "She was injected with a serum that made her suffer a painful death."

"Do you think this will work, Adelaide?" He looked into my eyes almost as if he was looking for the answer before I said it. "I'm truly hoping, if it does not my heart will be broken forever more." Even hearing that come out of my mouth sent a stinging pain into my heart.

"Well lets head to the attic."

We walked upstairs and down the hall, to find a door to our right. As we opened it we came into contact with a young girl, she was around sixteen and looked like she was fearing for her life.

"What's your name, dear?" I looked at her with soft eyes, indicating that I would not hurt her.

"D-Davina Claire, I'm a friend of Marcel's."

"He keeps you locked up here? Like a puppet?" I tried not to laugh but a chuckle came out. "I'm not his puppet!" Davina yelled throwing a vase at Charles head but only missing by a hair.

"Sweetheart, I advise you not to try that again."

"I know who you are and what your family has done." She looked angrier than before, which only made it dangerous for Charles and Naomi. "I'm a ruthless monster? Or wait was it that i can not be trusted for the life of me?"

"How'd you know that?" Davina looked taken away which is what I was going for.

"I'm a witch crossed with a vampire that is a member of the most damned family to walk this earth, let's just say people talk a lot." I was over joyed by saying that sentence, which made it even more wicked. "It must be horrible." By the look on the poor girl's face she was practically disgusted. "It's a cruel world."

"Let me ask you this carefully, I've already lost everything already and why do you think I'm trying get back at Marcellus?"

"Marcel did nothing wrong to you." In some way I could see that Davina was still grieving the loss of someone or some people. "He Kidnapped my little girl, tortured her, then injected her with a serum that killed her. Now tell me, does that sound like he's a saint to you?" I was beyond angry at how clever Marcel was that he has a sixteen year old harvest girl on his side.

"I don't believe that for one second and besides Marcel would never hurt a child. I mean he saved my life." She was dead serious which caused me to lung forward but I was stopped by the fact that I wasn't invited inside. "I'm too sober for this shit." I grunted with annoyance.

"This our daughter she's talking about, no matter if you believe it or not, do you really want to be the one to turn down a family is trying to do everything they can to bring back their daughter?" Charles words struck Davina like lightning. "I'll help you. Under one condition." Davina looked at me waiting for an answer. "What is it little witch?" I looked at her and smirked. "You have to leave Marcel alone."

"Fine, I'll leave your precious puppet master alone." I took Naomi from Charles' arms. "You can come in."

I stepped in the room walking over to the bed in the corner and laying Naomi's body on it.

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