Chapter eight: The light inside the damned.

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Dear Esther,
Still to this day I don't understand what I did to make you hate me but my dearest mother I want you to know that I'm alright and I'll always be alright, not that you would even give a damn or anything.
"Have you lost your bloody mind Nik, you trust a woman who walks in says she's our sister, and then does a stupid spell?"

Ouch Rebekah's words tugged at the heart a little bit.

"Little sister, you're the one that has been searching for love for almost a thousand years? And yet you're still by my side nagging about my choices."


"That's right, love i'm the bastard brother."

Hearing the words 'bastard brother' come out of Nik's mouth kind of hurt because that's all Mikael called him when he found out about his wolf side but I couldn't stand anymore of their bickering so I decided to stop eavesdropping on the conversation and walk into the room.

"You two are acting childish." I walk in between them looking towards the both.

"What's childish is Rebekah here looking for love in this cruel, cruel world."

Rebekah then grabbed a pencil off of the dresser, threw it at Nikklaus but I caught it before it could get near him and snapped it.

"Now we have family to protect." I dropped the now broken pencil on the ground by the coffee table then proceeded to walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?"

"Well Nik, I'm going to the church so I can kill some witches. Rebekah go find Sophie."

"Since when did I get elected super nanny?"

"Since now, now move it." I pushed both Rebekah and Nik out the door as we parted ways with Nik and I heading to the church and Rebekah was going to hunt down Sophie.

"What changed your mind?"


"You obviously came back to us for a reason, what changed your mind?" Nik repeated himself.

"After Vivianne was turned, I knew nothing would be the same at all but then almost a week later Sophie arrived at my motel door step then told me that my family was in danger, that opened my eyes and made me realize I needed my siblings back." I spoke with one hundred percent honesty and a burden of regret.

"How did you take of two children on your own and especially being a Mikaelson?"

"Oh love, I wasn't alone. I had the girls dad by my side until things drastically changed and then well you know what happens but back to the point when you care for a child so deeply you protect them at all cost, kinda like how over the years I've watched over all of you."

"I want to be a good father to my child."

Those words had me thinking about the day Vivianne was born, I had no idea what in hell I was doing but along the way things became a little bit easier because I had the love of my life by my side but now he's gone and there's nothing I can do about that. "Oh, little brother you're going to be the best father you can be for that child. You may cause terror upon many but that child is the good that you need in your life. Protect that baby with everything you have, my brother."

"Adelaide you're a good mother to those girls."

"Vivianne is a vampire, now that little girl won't be able to live her life. She isn't supposed me be like us Nik, her life was ripped away from her because of me. And I have to love with that everyday because I can't do anything about it until I find the bastard who did this to her."

"Once you find this guy, I'll tear him to shreds for hurting my niece." I just smiled knowing how good it felt to have my siblings back even though one of them is stubborn and yes I'm referring to Rebekah.

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