Chapter thirteen: Bloody night in the city beyond.

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(Song for chapter: Way down we go / Kaleo)
Dear self,
The day you stop protecting the ones you love is the day your world comes to an end. Family is forever, no matter who falls or rises, it's you guys against the world.
Snapping three cops necks has been the highlight of my drive to this stupid house. The cops were on vervain which made it even lovelier, even though they looked nice, looks don't fool me, note my sarcasm in that.

My phone started ringing for what seemed the 10th time this drive.

'Elijah, I got the last 9 calls.'

'Someone is following us.'

'Did you recognize the vehicle?'

'No but I'm going to keep going.'

'Stay safe, brother.'

I continued to focus on the large white manor up ahead and it brought back many memories of when my family wasn't as broken as it is today. We can't mend ourselves on our own but with all the little miracles here and there makes me think that maybe we do have a chance at being happy once more.

"Vivianne are you ready to do this?" I turned around and looked back at my daughter, she didn't look scared at all.

"Let's go get Naomi back."

We park and Vivianne rushed out of the car, heading toward the guards outside.

I noticed that headlights from another car that was coming up behind me but it wasn't Nik, Elijah, or Rebekah's car.

I quickly ran, grabbed Vivianne and ran into the woods. Then focused on the conversation the people were having outside.

'Do you have her?'

'Yes, the little girl is being taken care of.'

'I'm sure the Mikaelson's are on their way, keep a close eye out.'

'Will do, Marcel.'

Wait until I get my hands on that bloody bo-

"Adelaide." A voice called behind me, startling me.

"Nik? Elijah? Rebekah?"

Then the image came closer and soon realized it was only my brother Elijah.

"Marcel confirmed she's inside."

"Good then lets go kill him." Vivianne stated trying to walk over to the house.

"Sit down, I should go in first."

"No way."

"That's my daughter, now if I have to put a barrier spell to stop you all from following me I will."

They all looked at and nodded signaling for me to go. I whispered a quick 'I love you.' to Vivianne and sped over to the men guarding the house.

"Who are you, lady?"

"Your worst nightmare, love." I mocked.

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