Chapter seventeen: We lost and found.

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Tell Elijah he deserves to be happy, he deserves to be with the girl he loves and we all know that girl is Hayley. He shouldn't be known as the noble Mikaelson as well as the man who can't love another human because he's afraid of what will come.
We may be vampires, hybrids, and witches but we still are human in some parts. Not all the time are we ruthless monsters, we've just forgotten what it feels like to love and to be happy with another human being that isn't our family.
This spell is the only thing standing between Charles and I getting to hold our little girl once more. "Are you ready?" Davina walked over making me snap out of my thoughts. "More than anything." I nodded towards Charles.

"Do you have the spell?" Davina whispered. "Yes, Charles will you hand me my bag?" He didn't move a muscle it was as if he was in some sort of trance. I looked at Davina and she was staring back at me in complete and total fear, it was almost as if something was going to get her. I slowly walked over to her and touched her shoulder and that made her flinch significantly. "Davina, sweetheart what's wrong?" I hugged her tightly as if she was my own daughter.

"It's your boyfriend, h-he's been compelled."

"That's impossible." I looked over to Charles who was over at his bag pulling out a lighter. What the fuck is happening.

"What's dead should stay dead." He started to walk over to Naomi's corpse with the lighter but I stopped him soon realizing my magic had became weak but I can have just the right amount if I use some of Davina's magic. "Give me your hand little witch." She didn't question or hesitate she grabbed my left hand as I raised my left hand towards Charles stopping his heart slowly. He started to fall to the ground but still continuing to clutch the lighter for dear life, as if it was his duty to burn Naomi's corpse. "What are you doing?" Charles barely spoke.

"You've been compelled by an original vampire Charles, there's nothing I can do to stop you but trade your life for Naomi's until something can be done." Tears ran down both of my cheeks as I saw Charles' body fall to the floor going limp and cold.

"You shouldn't have experienced that." I whispered shamefully to Davina. "You did it for your daughter, we all have to do awful things for the ones we love."

"Thank you, Davina Clai-" My words were stopped by hearing Naomi's heart starting to beat again. I let go of Davina and ran over to the bed just in time for Naomi's little eyes to open and look my way.

"Welcome back to world, my angel." I smiled pulling her into my chest. "I heard everything you said mommy." She looked me then back at Davina. "Who's that? Is she going to hurt me?"

"No sweetheart, her name is Davina Claire and she's a witch that helped mommy bring you back into the world." Davina was a genuine girl that only wanted to look out for the person who saved her life, I understood that completely but the man who saved my life is laying on the ground with a stopped heart.

"Can I ask you a question, Naomi right?" Naomi smiled and that lit up the room with joy. "Sure thing!" I couldn't ever imagine anyone hurting her, even after being dead for hours she's still the little Naomi that saved me from becoming the worst of myself. "Who did this to you? What happened?" I think Davina could have gone on and on with questions but decided to stop. "They called the man Marcel, all of the men and women looked at him as their king, it was horrifying. All they did was ask me questions and hurt me with needles and they almost turned me at one point until I got angry and burned the women." My heart broke in two and anger rushed in soon after.

"I'll kill him, I'll have his head on a stick!" I slammed my fist against the wall. "Hush." I was confused by Davina's sudden out burst.

"Marcel is coming and he has company."

"I'll cloak us." I quickly did the spell to cloak Naomi and I, then looked at Charles' body and broke instantly, tears welded my eyes as my sight blurred by tears. "You took out this piece of shit Davina." I could already imagine that Marcel was talking about Charles. As i wiped my tears I saw Davina shake her head and smile, now that broke my heart in two.

"Good job, I've taught you well and let's get rid of this ugly thing." Hearing the way Marcel insulted Charles killed me and that's when I had enough. I broke the cloak that was keeping Naomi and I invisible but only to the point where I would be uncloaked and Naomi remains invisible.

"How dare you talk down to the love of my life like he's some dirty laundry."

"He's nothing to anyone." Marcel's words raged fire in my veins. "He's something to me and the two daughters we have raised."

"You mean to the only daughter that's still alive, how did the funeral go?" Marcel sickened me and people called my brother a monster.

"We didn't have one because oh you know she's still alive, congrats on forgetting I'm more powerful than it seems. Oh and thank you Davina for the help." I smiled while Marcel's face dropped from a wicked grin to a straight face. "Impossible." He spoke as if he knew about me. "See you know I thought that too until I stopped Charles' heart in replace of Naomi's. Now I can have Charles back in replace of your life but the wicked twist is that you're immortal so you can't die. You'll just desiccate and soon all the blood will be gone and your veins will rub together like sand paper."

I moved over to Charles' body placing my hand over his heart and holding my other hand over at Marcel. As the spell started to work I could hear Marcel's heart beat start to slow down and see his body turn to a light gray with veins forming, letting me know he was dedicating.

"You're killing him." Davina tried to intervene but I had to stop her with a barrier spell. "I'm sorry little witch but he has to rest until I can guarantee my family is safe."

Davina started crying as I heard Charles wake up and mumble something. "Adelaide?" He whispered as if I had left him in the dark. "I'm here, love I'm here." I reinsured him. "I love you so much as well as our two little girls but can you do me a favor?" I was so afraid of what his favor would be that I stood still for a while. "W-What is it?" I choked out. "Make me like you." I choked on the little pride I had but swallowed that real quick.

"Charles, my love you can't ask me to do that because I can't hurt you."

I can't blame Charles for wanting to become a vampire because there's no place like being in New Orleans with millions of foolish people wanting to harm the ones you love.

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