Chapter six: Hiding beneath the trees.

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You may be the most idiotic of us all but you're still our brother, to answer the question you've been wondering yes we love you, we may be cruel to each other but our love for this family is a never ending thing.
Always and forever,
"Naomi what do you need, dear?" I ran out of the bathroom of the motel shocked at who had turned up at the door.

"And whom might you be?" I hummed at the young girl standing there with her hand my daughter's shoulder.

"I'm Sophie Deveraux"

"Ah, yes the young aunt that lost her niece to this so called harvest tradition your coven says exists. Unless you know I'm wrong but let's get something straight here, I know all about your coven." I tilted my head a bit.

"You're right and how do you know who we are?"

"Sophie, is it?" She nodded. "Right you see your coven was very well known back in the day as you had some pretty powerful witches in your coven thought they could kill me then concertante my power to give to the ancestors but they didn't know what I was, what a shame."

"I assume you're hear because you heard the stories about me being the most powerful among my siblings?"

"You got that all from me just standing here?" She looked at me astonished by what I know.

"Oh love, your thoughts are quite loud. Oh also the stories you have been hearing? They're true."

"Why aren't you with your siblings?" She moved in with more questions.

"Well if you're wanting to chat you should have just asked instead of trying to make my daughter leverage." I assured walking over towards the fridge.

"Well come on, sit down." I motioned towards to bar stool.

She let go of Naomi and walked over towards the stool.

"Answer the question."

"I fried the memories of my siblings, bourbon?" I poured alcohol in two glasses.

"Why do that? You guys are stronger as a family." She took the glass from my hand.

"You witches always think you know what's best for my family."

"Back to the point I was protecting my family, believe me or not watching my siblings tear each other apart mentally for more than a thousand years isn't what I wanted but you know us Mikaelson's are quite ruthless even to each other and at the end of each day we may forgive each other but we never forget what is done or said." I lifted the glass pouring bourbon down my throat in one swift.

"You really do love each other."

"More than anything but you know what they say about family it hurts like hell but at the end of the day they always have one another's back."

"I know your reason wasn't coming to listen to my family drama or sob story, so why are you here?"

"Your family is in danger." When Sophie spoke those words it sparked a fire inside me and I was ready to kill anyone or anything that would harm my family.

"How are they in danger exactly?" I slammed my glass down breaking into tiny shards.

"Someone linked Hayley and I."

"The one pregnant with my brother's child, correct?"

"Yes and when Klaus finds out he's going to kill Agnus."

"So this Agnus woman linked you and Hayley?"

"I will not let my niece or Hayley die at the hands of the coven I despise most."

"You can't kill her."

"It's time to visit my siblings."

These witches are going to be the death of us Mikaelson's.

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