Chapter fifteen: Flesh & blood.

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Dear unknown,
      To whoever may find this letter please take this to my siblings, they're known as the Mikaelson's, when you give this letter to them inform them that I will indeed be okay and that I just need time to grieve the few I have lost.
To my brothers and sisters that are reading this letter, please know that I indeed will be back but I have something to do. Something so important that it may come with consequences but it will be worth it in the end.
Do not come looking for me but instead take care of that baby, take care of young Hayley, take care of yourselves and my daughter. Guide Vivianne to be a strong girl, teach her that it's okay to let emotion in and make sure she remembers that she is no monster that the fools across the world spill out of their mouths like venom.
The love for that baby is our hope of a new beginning and new bonds to be made.
- Adelaide Mikaelson
In the last 24 hours Naomi has only gotten worse. She is barely breathing, her chest is slowly moving up and down and her eyes are bloodshot.

"Damnit! Where's Nikklaus?" I shouted hitting the glove box.

"He isn't picking up but we're at the hospital."

Elijah barely was able to park the car before I jumped out and picked up Naomi from the backseat and ran for the doors that said Emergency.

"You have to help me!" I yelled running into the hospital while all the people in the lounging room were staring at me like I was something other than crazy. "Ma'am please step back." A nurse said patiently.

I started to back up as I heard foot steps running towards me and quickly assumed it was Elijah but I turned around and saw.


"What's happened with the little one?" She whimpered without a single tear in her eyes. "Naomi was injected with some serum by Marcellus." Her head lifted up and slowly the tears started to form in her eyes. "This serum is doing what to her exactly?"

"It's killing her from the inside." I attempted to stop the tears that were forming in my eyes but I can see Rebekah is just as heart broken as me.

Elijah ran in holding a beat up Nikklaus around his shoulder.

"What in the hell?"


"I didn't get any visions, were either of you injected?"

"We both were, why?" Nik piped in barely putting his head up. "Excuse me, are you the family of Naomi Mikaelson?" Doctor Smith asked walking out of the room the expression on his face read something unbearable.

"I'm so sorry for you loss. Naomi Mikaelson passed away due to her lungs filling with blood. We did everything we could."

"I want to see her." At this point I didn't really know what to think or how to say anything. I just wanted to see my little girl, I needed to see her.

"Follow me ma'am." The doctor turned on his heels and led me to the room where Naomi's body laid limp and cold with a blue blanket covering her face. "I'll leave you alone." Doctor Smith shut the door on his way out.

"Babygirl, I know you can't hear me but I want you to know I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I let them hurt you, I can't bear the thought of moving on without you there by my side.
You know the day you were born I was so terrified, I could barely take care of your older sister but when your big green eyes opened, looked up at me I knew that I would protect you with everything I have in my body but I failed you and I'm so sorry for that. You're my little angel and will always be my angel.
I can't do this, come back to me please. I need you by my side, we all need you here with us and no matter what we'll always need you.
I'll bring terror upon all who have harmed or have done you wrong. All of the people whom caused you to suffer will die in a pool of their own blood." By this point I was throwing everything that was in my reach.

"Adelaide stop this, Naomi wouldn't want you to do this." Rebekah came running over to me, hugging me tightly and we both fell to the ground crying our eyes out. "She's gone and they killed her. There was nothing I could do to stop it, I failed her." I couldn't hold back what i was saying. "You didn't fail her, everything you did to protect her? To keep her safe? The promise you made to her when she was a little girl, that you would always love her? She will always be grateful for that, I'm sure right now she's smiling and wishing that you would smile as well. She gave you something to fight for and someone to love, Adelaide and you will honor that I know you will." Rebekah's little speech light a fire underneath my feet.

Elijah soon walked in, followed by a weeping Nikklaus. "Who the hell did this to her?" Nik questioned. "I'm taking Naomi." I got up and walked out of the room with Naomi's body in my arms.

I will have Marcellus' heart in my hand and his head on a silver platter.

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