Part nine: Marcellus.

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Dear Mikael,
      There's not much to say father, except that I do not miss you and in fact I'm thankful you're gone.
There's this little shop by the church that reminds me a lot about Mystic Falls and that makes me want to gouge my own eyes out, Mystic Falls was truly a curse to my fami-

"Let's go, Adelaide." Nik snapped me out of my thoughts indicating that we were at the church.

I just smirked and walked ahead, letting him follow me inside.

We walked inside only to find out we were inside some kind of trap, I could hear the witches inside chanting some spell and all I could feel is my throat closing. When I looked at Nikklaus I noticed they did a different spell on him to bring more pain upon him, there was blood coming out of his ears and eyes.

I grabbed my necklace and chanted Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Sho Bala. This spell will diminish the pain that the witches brought upon Nikklaus and I.

"Enough." I moved my hand which caused the dark objects to fly out of their hands and crash into the wall.

"I guess the element of surprise is in my favor now." I darted for the oldest witch in the room which I'm assuming is Agnes.

"Stop!" The church doors opened revealing the noble Elijah.

"You're tempting brother, I mean I'm so close to crushing her windpipe." I gripped tighter around Agnes' neck.

"Don't make me break my word."

"She linked Sophie and Hayley then after all the trouble still is trying to get rid of that unborn baby. Now tell me why should I let her go?"

"My dear sister, no one said anything about letting her go but I did promise a witch that I would not have her killed at the hands of Klaus, I said nothing about you or myself." Elijah then sped over to the 4 witches, ripped 2 of their hearts out and snapped the rest of their necks.

Then I took it upon myself and snapped Agnes' neck.

"The big bad Mikaelson's are back in town." A voice spoken not above a shout came from the balcony.

"Who in bloody hell are you?"

"Marcellus." Nikklaus spoke up.

"Welcome home." Marcel then dropped a body from the balcony, I was stunned by who it was.

To be continued..

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