Chapter ten: Hello, old friend.

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It's been a while since I have spoken to you but I want you to know I figured out what happened that I night at the house. I hope you can forgive me for being such a cruel person. I'm going to find out who made you do what you did.
I couldn't believe my eyes, my ex fiancé was laying on the floor in a pool of blood but still had a faint heart beat.

"Charles." I ran over to him and bit my wrist.

"Drink this love." I put my wrist up to his mouth and as he drank my blood I watched as his wound healed.

"Meet my old friend Charles."

"Marcel what is this nonsense." Elijah spoke with such faint annoyance.

"Adelaide you might know him, am I right?"

"He was my fiancé, you bloody imbecile."

"Yet what I'm gathering here is you're the one that compelled him to make out with that red head and you wanted me to take my daughter away from him, isn't that right?"

After that big fight I had with Charles I found a note outside the door and all it said was that there was a surprise then that's when it all clicked that he was compelled to do what he did and try to fight me back. And all this time Marcellus was the one responsible.

"Yep." I wanted so badly to smack that smug grin off of his face but this wasn't like Marcel at all.

"Marcellus Gerard, this isn't like you, I know this because I watched my little brother raise you and as I watched from a distance I knew that you are strong, that you would fight for what you want but this? It's not you."

"How do you know what's me and what's not?"

"I don't know everything about you but I know one thing, the Marcel I watched grow up would not go through this much to hurt the people that protected him when he needed it most."

I knew that touched a nerve because when I looked up the smug grin he once had on his face was now gone and all I could see was an emotionless Marcel.

"That Marcel is dead and gone."

And that's where he was wrong, he may have let this whole 'leader' thing get to his head but deep down the Marcel my brother raised in his image is still there. I just have to find it.

"Where's your little puppet you've been keeping tucked away like an antique?" Nik snickered, causing Marcel to become absolutely angry.

"First off she's not a puppet and she's somewhere safe."

"In the attic right? Poor Davina."

You could tell the sudden shock on the 3 boys standing before me in this very room.

"You think that I don't know about my enemies? Ever heard of the phrase keep your friends close but your enemies closer? Well just not the closer part, I just know where and who my enemies are."

"Clever bitch." I could hear Marcel mumbling under his breath.

"When you are around for a thousand or so years you pick up a thing or 2 but if you'll excuse me I have a very confused man to get home safely." My eyes snapped to the boy who threw him off the church balcony.
Finally Davina comes into the story! I'm excited to say that many things are to come with this story.
If you would like to suggest anything or have your name as a character in my story then feel free to comment! (:
Happy reading. Xx

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