Stupid Cracker....

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You are now back to being Dave Strider. Back to? What are you talking about? You've always been Dave. Anyway, back to business, or in this case away from it, since you are driving back home from your work. 

During your drive, you couldn't seem to get that annoying *cute* Cracker out of your head. What's his fucking deal anyway? Why does he always have to come over while you're minding your own business and be, well, annoying as fuck?? THIS is why you hate him so much. He's a fucking ASSHOLE!! If you have to see his *adorable* ugly ass face again, you are so going to snap at him.

After what felt like hours of trying to get Crocker out of your mind, you finally reach your apartment. Thank god. You park then go into the apartment and climb up the never ending stair case of stupid and walk up to your door. You open the door with your keys and head on inside. You walk past the kitchen and living room and hear some familiar tinkering sounds, making you smirk a bit.

You know that tinkering sound is coming from your little bro, Dirk. He was pretty good at making cool robots and shit like that. Almost half of your technology in your house was either adjusted by or made by him.He's a pretty great lil' bro. You couldn't ask for any kid any better. He's just that chill. Although his weird interest in Smuppetts and Lil' Cal is a bit well.... creepy. But hey. You shouldn't judge. Lil' Cal can be pretty awesome at times anyway. 

After cracking Dirk's door open to check on him, you go into your room and toss your shit on your bed, you get undressed from your fancy suit to put on your house clothes consisting of a T-shirt with art from one of your best movies and some old jeans. You put on some red house slippers then walk into the living room to watch some TV. When you turn the TV on, you go through the channels to see if there's anything good on.

Nope. Nothing. You sighed and just flipped it over to the rap channel, then got up to get some grub. You sat back on the couch and just munched on some food, then of course, you get sooo bored that you sart thinking of Crocker again. This is fucking ridiculous. Stop thinking of him goddammit!! 

Ugh. Once you even see him once again, you are DEFINETELY going to fucking have a bunch of words for him. And not any good ones, either.

It's time for that *hottie* ass to pay. After a good night's rest, of course.

I Hate You (Everything About You)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ