His Resolve (?)

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You are now back to being the young Strider. You sniffle and wipe your nose and eyes as you get back to working on your special project. Have you been crying? Yes. Yes you have, and yes it's because of what Bro said to you. You know he was just completely pissy, but that's the problem. The way he's starting to treat Crocker is getting out of hand. He's having sex with him with little to no attachment towards him. At least no good attachments. He's constantly rejecting and suppressing his positive feelings for Crocker and unleashing his blind hate for him. It's unhealthy... and it's hurting the both of them. You really want Bro to realize his emotions and be kinder towards Crocker, but it's hard when he's being a stubborn dick...

You sigh.

Now you're thinking of what he yelled at you again. It hurt a lot... but it was also kind of true... You really are awkward. You don't even attempt to talk to anybody at your school, and when you do, it's short but awkward. You always come home and hide yourself in your room tinkering with your mechanics, while occasionally texting your Pesterchum friends. Especially him... but as Dave said he probably won't even like you back the way you like him, because you're awkward and stupid.

You hear a notification sound on your computer. You check t see who just messaged you.

....Well speak of the devil.

You decide to take a mini break from your mechanics stuff so you can chat with him. You really need this right now...

-[GT] began pestering [TT]-

GT: Ahoy there, mate! How are you doing? I couldn't sleep tonight so I decided to message my dear 'ol fellow!

TT: Hey there...

GT: Hm? Is something the matter there, 'ol boy?

TT: Yeah... my Bro yelled at me on the phone this morning...

GT: Whaaat!? Why?

TT: He has feelings for this guy but he insists that he hates him and I think he's starting to be abusive towards him... He's all angry and shit so I tried to stop him but he snapped at me instead...

GT: Oh dear... That sounds like quite the issue there chum...

TT: Yeah. I literally cried after he hung up.

GT: Oh no! I don't want my dear friend to cry! /hugs you through the internet/

TT: Heheh... You're too cute man.

GT: Oh hush! I'm just trying to be a good buddy!

TT: Why try when you've already succeeded?

GT: Hahaha! You're too sweet!

TT: Nah. You are.

GT: Haha! Aww.

TT: Man I wish we could be hanging out in real life.

GT: Indeed! It would be most fun and exciting!

TT: Yeah. We could even- Nah. Nevermind.

GT: Hm? We could what?

TT: It's nothing. I think you should get some sleep.

GT: Hmm okay... I was starting to yawn anyways...

TT: Have a good rest sleeping beauty.

GT: Have a good rest I will! Good night Dirk!

TT: Good night.... Jake.

-[GT] ceased pestering [TT]-

"We could even date.....," you thought.

You would tell him if you were bold enough, but you just aren't. You'd just get awkward, just as Bro said... You're too afraid of rejection...

You heard the front door open and shut as Dave came in. You took a peak out your door to see how he was. He seemed to have calmed down, but now he seems depressed. He collapsed face first onto the couch and groaned. You kinda wonder why he's acting like this now. You decide to exit your room and talk to him. This might be your only chance to try and make Dave and John's relationship actually "work." 

"Um... Bro?"


Yep. He sounds completely down.

"What's wrong? You look kinda sad..."

"I've just been thinking.... about myself. My actions."


"I feel like shit. You're right. You've BEEN right. You're TOO right. I've been acting like an asshole. I fucked Crocker just for the fuck of it and rejected all the obvious 'I like you' gestures from him. I used t hate him and he used to hate me... But now... I..."

"You.... what?"

"I've fallen for Crocker. I've fallen for that piece of shit Crocker. He's annoying but I can't hate him any more. I'm falling hard for him and now I don't think I can ever fucking get up."


"I need more time to myself. Also come here."

"?" You approached Dave more, then he hugged you.

"I'm sorry about what I said earlier. You're a bright kid and I bet you've got people left and right fallin' for your Strider charm. Don't quit being yourself, as cheesy as that is."

You smiled and nodded and he pulled away. You decided to go outside to get some fresh air. You feel kinda proud fro your Bro.

You hope he and Crocker get together happily soon.

I Hate You (Everything About You)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora