Bonus Chapter: Birth Day Babe

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Your name is Dave Strider, and you are currently planning a little something for your adorable husband. You had taken a break from work today and let Dirk visit John's sister so that he can see Jake. John was at work, so you took this opportunity to do things to his house for the surprise.

He is SO going to love this.

You do some checking with everything to make sure that everything is perfect. Every single thing. Once you do so, you go into his bed room and do some "special" preparation~

*wink wonk*


You are now John Crocker, and you are driving home from a busy day of boringness. You wonder what your sexy husband did all day since he decided to take a break today.

Wait... did he...?

Haha no way. He's a busy guy, even at home. You might have to tell him about today since it's pretty damn special.

You park at your house and exit your car, only to notice a trail of rose petals through your walkway. You follow the path and enter your home, only to notice more of that trail.

Hm... Interesting...

You continue to follow the trail until you stop in front of your door. Your bedroom door. You gulp nervously and open the door to find........

Holy shit you just got a boner from what you saw


You smirk as John opens his door and wiggle your eyebrows suggestively at him as he sees you completely nude on his bed. You had rose petals scattered all over the room, some high-class wine on the bedside table, and you lay there in a sexy pose with a bouquet of roses over your crotch. You knew you succeeded with the surprise because his pants grew tight in almost an instant.

"Happy birthday, babe~"

"oh my god"

You chuckle as he blushes intensely as he tries to over his boner with his hands.

"holy shit Dave wow"

"Did you think I could ever forget your birthday, John? Because I didn't~"

"Dave I love you so much holy fuck"

"Haha well why don't you express that love with me in bed? Or would you like a drink first? This wine's from France you know."

He giggles shyly and sits next to you.

"I'd love a drink, my love~"

"Well then coming right up~"

You take the glasses and put some wine in each, then give one glass to John.

"Drink up, birthday babe~"

He giggles as he sips up the wine and you do the same.

"Would you like some more, love?"

"No thanks, Davey. I'm ready for the real 'fun' now~"

"Well well well~ Anything for the special b-day babe~"

You put the glasses up and then push John down on the bed. You kiss his lips, which still had a taste of wine on them, and he kisses you back. Your sweet kiss quickly heats up into a strong passionate one as you make out and explore John's mouth and he rubs his hands across your back.

While doing all of this, you toss the flowers on your crotch aside.

You then suck and bite on his lip and listen to his moans as you take his clothes off and toss them aside. He pulls away and bites your neck and you bite on to his, causing you both to moan. You kiss all across his neck, ears, and chest, and you also leave hickey trails all over him.

God you love him so much.

You give him more kisses on the lips and he groped your firm ass. You blush and chuckle as you flick your finger at one of his nipples teasingly, causing him to moan in a begful tone. You do it again just to mess with him a bit.

"D... Daaavey~ P... please~"

"Of course babe~"

You chuckle softly, kiss him, then pinch a nipple and suck on the other. He moans loudly and wraps his fingers in your hair as you do so.

Ahh... What awesome music to your ears...

You pull away once that one was sucked enough and really pink, then you switch to the other and pinch the now sucked one. He moaned and panted, and you could feel his boner really grow. You pulled away to look at his cute and sexy expression. He was such a hot and panting mess, and you loved it.

"Are you ready for more, Johnny?"

"Y... yeah... So p... please... I need it..."

You smiled and kissed him once more as you immediately pushed yourself into him. He definitely didn't complain though. You gave him a bit of time to adjust, and once he was ready, you began.

He moaned as you began to thrust into him, kissing him many times during the process, and you moaned a bit just for him. You whispered sweet nothings into his ear as you kept thrusting into him. Whenever he'd ask you to go faster, you'd do so. You practically pounded him passionately, while moaning his name and he screamed out yours. You thrusted hard and fast into his hot, attractive body, and let the heat take you over. Your love and lust for him was as powerful as his for you.

"D.... Dave...! I'm gonna..!"

"M... Me too J.. John...! F... Fuck...!"

You both moaned loudly as you both cummed. You cummed inside him and John cummed all over himself. You panted and thrusted a few more times softly, until you eventually slowed down and came to a complete hault. You panted as you looked down at John again.

GOD was he beautiful...

You brushed some of his hair aside and kissed all over his sweet face as you slowly pulled out. He kissed back adorably and you caressed his cute face. You pulled away and lay beside him, completely worn out. You then turned to him with a small smile on your face.

"Did you like your present, honey?"

He smiled at you and nodded. "Yeah... It was amazing...  Like always... You are so dreamy~"

You chuckled as you pulled him into a hug. He hugged you back and nuzzled into you. You pulled a blanket over each other then kissed his forehead.

"I'm glad I married you..." you told him.

"and I'm glad I married you too..."

"Happy birthday John."

"Thanks... I love you."

"I love you too..."

You kiss him once more. You hold him close with all your heart. You love him so much...

He's your perfect little babe <3

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