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You are now John Crocker and you have just jolted awake from a bad dream. You don't remember much except that there was blood coming  from you or something.... ew. Whatever. because of that dumb dream you feel very grumpy now. And since you're awake, you might as well get dressed and such so you do so. However, instead of your typical bright red overalls and white long sleeved dress shirt, you wear your blank grey T-shirt, your red jacket with a big fork design on the back of it, and your black skinny jeans. 

When you were about to grab your glasses to put those on too, you accidentally dropped them and you're pretty sure you just heard them break. Oh great. Just great. You pick up what's left of your glasses and put them on. Parts of the lenses were broken off, so you struggle to walk to your little kitchen upstairs. You even trip once along the way. Luckily though it wasn't on your stairs. 

This is why you sometimes wish you had someone to live with... This house is just way too big for you alone...

You fix yourself a bowl of cereal and right as you were about to eat your glasses fell into the bowl, splashing some milk onto your face. You grumbled and got the glasses out and cleaned off your face and your glasses, then ate your cereal. *finally* 

After an entire morning of terrible, you go to your car and start it. You were just planning to get some groceries today, but it seems like you have to get new glasses now too. Hooray.... You exit your parking space then drive off to the store. This day's going to get worse. You just know it....

~Timeskip brought to you by Damara's sexual pick up lines~

You park at the parking lot and walk into the store. You grab all the groceries you need, then go buy some new glasses. You made sure they had red frames of course. You then get you food checked out and start to leave when you notice something.

Or someone to be precise.

It was Mr. Stroodle himself, buying a few groceries as well at a different check out station. You kind of smile a bit at the sight of him. Wait, why are you smiling? Why would you smile by just seeing your own enemy? That doesn't make any sense...

You quickly leave the store and put your things into the car and wait for Davey to come out of the store. At least you have something that gives you some fun today... You wait patiently until you see him leave the store, making your heart jump a bit. You don't know why your heart just did that but you pay no mind to that and approach him with your typical Johnny smirk.

"Well fancy meeting you here, Davey~" You giggle because of the way he grumbled and sounded agitated. 

"Ugh. What the hell do you want Cracker. Can't I even spend one weekend in peace, without you?"

"Hmm.... Let me think about that.... How about no?"

"Oh my god you're such a spoiled ass kid."

"So what? There's a lot of spoiled brats out there. I'm just no exception."

"Exactly. You're annoying as fuck."

"You say that all the time Davey. I think you should come up with a better insult."

"Shut up. That just means you've been in my life for far too fucking long and you need to fuck off."

"Wow someone's extra mean today~"

"Shut. the fuck. Up. It's none of your goddamn fucking stupid ass business."

"aww~ But I'm curious! Just tell me a little bit."

"I SAID IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" Dave yelled out loud at John.

John fell silent. ".........uh..."

Dave shoved John, causing him to fall on his rear. Dave then stormed off to his car and drove away, leaving a really shocked John.

"D.... Did that just happen?" John asked himself, still in shock.

"Wow..... things really did get worse...."

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