Oh Fuck Off

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You were taking a shower after you had placed Crocker in your bed. You wonder if he woke up yet since it's been about an hour since you brought him in.


What did you do?

Why did you do it?

Why did you do it to HIM of all people?

You still don't understand yourself. You should've just kicked his ass or something but instead you decided to well....

fuck him.

The worst part about is was that you liked it. You BOTH liked it. And now... now you feel like you want to do more to him. It felt "good" to release all your aggressive emotions and hatred onto him like that. The way John was.... calling.... to you was... "hot". 

You quickly turn the shower off, dry off, wrap a towel around your waist, then check on him. You thought you saw some movement, but it was just him rolling around in his sleep. Maybe you could... No. That's just too weird. 

You go to your dresser, grab casual "stay at home" clothes, put them on, close your door, then go get a snack to eat from your kitchen. You see the time and see that it's a little past 5 pm already. That's strange.... he should be home by... 

There was a knock on the door.

Oh well speak of the devil. 

You open your front door to let Dirk in. Before you could ask where he was he immediately answered for you as if he read your mind.

"I was getting a few things I needed for my latest project. I used my own cash."

Well at least he wasn't out doing drugs or something, phew...

"Project? What are you making this time?"

"Just a little thing that can help deliver stuff to my friend without having to spend tons of money just to ship it out."


"also I'll need the old microwave. Is that okay, bro?"

You raised your eyebrow in confusion, but hey. This is Dirk you're speaking with here. You're pretty sure whatever he does with the old thing is gonna get turned into something cool.

"Yeah, go ahead. Just try not to blow up the this place."

"I know, I know, bro. See you in a while."

He took the old microwave and his bags to his bedroom then shut his door. You know he won't be coming out of there for a while. 

You decide to chill out from today by watching some TV. When you turned it off an hour later, you heard some faint sounds come from your room so you went to check it out. You opened your door to see Crocker starting to sit up. He noticed you and blushed slightly.

Heh. Cute.

Wait NO. NO. NO. NO. You did not just think that oh hell no.



You awkwardly stared with each other for a minute or two until you closed your door then spoke up.

"So.... How are you," you said in more of a statement. 

"My ass still hurts, but besides that.... um.... ok I guess."

You couldn't help but slightly chuckle at that.

"Okay. Cool."

"Actually.... I think there's still something in my a- oh." He blushed a bit more.

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