Emotional Solo

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After saying good bye to Davey and his adorable younger brother, you got in your car and drove home. Your heart's really beating now, because you had just told Dirk, you think is his name, that you LIKE Dave. Yes. THAT kind of like. You don't know why you told him that, but it just slipped out during your conversation with the mini Strider. You feel so stupid... and did Dirk tell Dave? You don't know but you don't want to know... You thought you hated Strider but now... now you don't know anymore... 

You parked into your parking lot and entered your big home. Now that you knew that you had "feelings" for Strider, it felt like it hurt even more than before to come back here to this big, empty house. No family, no friends, no rivals.... No one is here except for you. You know this. Why does it hurt so bad? Shouldn't the quiet be soothing?

You decided to go to your special music room. It's been a long time since you came in here, but it feels right to come here right now. In this room there's nothing but a piano standing alone in the center of the empty room. A perfect place to relax and let your fingers run free across the piano. You sit on the piano chair and open the piano cover up. You place your feet upon the little piano feet things and your fingers on the piano keys.

Then you began to play.

Each note echoed across the empty room. You started off slowly. An introduction of sorts. A prologue. You drifted into a faster rhythm, and faster, and faster, every few minutes or so, until you were now playing fast, yet beautifully. The notes almost echoed through the whole house, each note sounding romantic, yet lonely and slightly angry. The music was a mixture of colliding emotions, all fighting for dominance over one another for your mind. Your want for Dave's touch, your supposed hate for him, your great attraction for him, your loneliness, all these thoughts invaded your mind as you continued to play passionately. You played and you played until you were too tired to go on any longer. You slowed down and you finished your lonely performance.  You stood up, closed the piano lid, left your room, got undressed, then went to bed.

Your feelings got the best of you again when you got into your covers. You didn't even bother to eat. It was too much. You started to cry. You want him. You want him so much. You want him to touch you again. You want him here. You need him. You want his ruby red eyes to look at you. Look at you as you called out to him. Look at you as you begged for him. Look at you when... when... 

When you fall in love with him. 

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