Morning Fluff

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Your name is John Crocker, and you feel like the happiest man alive. You love Dave so much, and it makes you happy, knowing that he loves you back as well.

You slowly wake up from a wonderful sleep, then notice Davey looking at you lovingly.

"Morning, beautiful. You sleep well?"

You smile and nod and nuzzle into his chest.

He chuckled at he caressed your messier, but still soft hair.

"That's good. I'm glad that tonight happened as I hoped. I hoped that you'd be okay if I said I liked you back, and hooooly shit I was righter than right."

You giggled and kissed his cheek.

"You're silly, Davey."

"I know I am. That's why everyone loves me."

"Really? Everyone?"

"No. But a lot of people love me. Because I'm sexy as fuck"

"Well that is true."

"Haha yeah. So how is your body doing? Did I go too hard on you last night?"

"I feel okay, although I won't be able to walk for a while. Ehehehe.... Besides that I feel great."

"Well that's good. Say... you have anything I can make for you? I bet you're hungry."

You pouted. "Yeah, but I don't want you to goooo," you whined.

"Then I guess I'll just stay here and cuddle you."


He chuckled as you snuggled up to him and smiled. He's so nice and warm... You enjoy this feeling a lot.

After cuddling for a few more minutes, Dave pulled away from you, causing you to whine. Dave chuckled at you and picked you up princess style as he got up, then carried you to the bathroom (after telling him where it was). He placed you in the bath tub then sat behind you after turning the faucet on. He grabbed the shampoo and put some of it in both his and your hair. You scrubbed each other's hair while you giggled with each other.   

"Wow... Your hair is so soft, even with out the conditioner," Dave said.

You blushed and giggled. "Well I think your hair's pretty silky too!"

He laughed as he grabbed some conditioner and put it in your hair.

"Daaavey~ I can do it myself you knooow~" you whined in a playful manner.

"I know. I just want to mess with your fluffy hair more."

"You are so cute."

"Nah. You're cuter."

You blushed in response and he chuckled.

After putting conditioner in your hair he put some in his. He then washed it off of the two of you and grabbed the body soap. He cleaned himself with it as you played with the water, then looked at you.

"Do you want me to use the scrubby or my hands?"

"Hm... Your hands, obviously."

He chuckled as you turned away so he could wash your back. He put some soap in his hands and began to spread it on you. His touch was so heart warming. The way he gently spread the soap across your back was calming and smooth. He then rested his head on the nape of your neck as he cleaned your arms, neck, and chest.

You were blushing so hard right now.

"Hey, Crocker. Do you want me to clean your you-know-what or do you want to clean it yourself?"

You blushed even harder as you nodded shyly. He chuckled in response.

"You've gotten so shy all of a sudden. What happened to Mr. Not Innocent Crocker?" he said as he chuckled more.

"You're sexiness overwhelmed my pride."

"Damn babe that's deep."

"Hehe not really. Just clean me Davey~"

He smiled and nodded as he placed his hands down there. He started to clean it with the soap.

Oh god why does he have to be so good at this

You squirmed a little bit, trying not to get turned on by the messaging. You sighed slightly in relief when he finally rinsed all of the soap on you off. Dave wrapped his arms around your waist and continued to rest his head on the nape of your neck.

"Oh jegus Christ I love you so much," he said.

"Aww I love you too~," you said in response with a smile on your face.

He kissed your neck and cheeks while you giggled from the tiny tickles.

"Let's go eat."

"Hehe okay!"

Dave turned the shower off and dried both of you off once the water was done draining. When you were both dry enough, he lifted you up again and carried you down to your living room. He made some instant pancakes in your kitchen and ate them with you. After doing so, he put the dishes up and came back to hug you close.

"Can we watch movies today?"

"Sure thing babe. What movies shall we watch?"

"Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff. Those movies are hilarious."

"Wait holy shit you think so? I just made those crappy and ironic though."

"I don't care. I find them amazing."

He chuckled as he went to put the first of the SBHJ into your DVD player. He came back and snuggled with you as the movie turned on.

After wards, you spent the whole day watching movies with Dave.

You're so glad to have him.

So. SO glad...

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