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Your eyes slowly open as you yawn. You can't really move that much because your body hurts so much. Especially your butt. You turn around to see if Davey was still there, but he wasn't. You're not that surprised, if you were honest with yourself. Your heart started aching again. God, you hated this feeling... You just wish Dave was here. You wish he'd just stay and... maybe cuddle you... or whatever happy people do. But Davey's never happy with you so you guess that's impossible. Dave hates you. He despises you. He wants nothing and yet everything from you. You probably deserve this. You annoyed Dave a lot so... yeah. You probably deserve all this hurt, both in your body and your heart. You pissed him off and now you're getting what you truly deserved from him. You may like him, but he'll never like you back. As it should be.

But you want him to love you...

You scoot over to where he was sleeping. Davey's scent... It's nice. It smells like a combination of apple juice and chips. It's so cute... Unlike you. You hug the pillow Dave's head was laying on. You snuggled the warm pillow and imagined that it was Dave who was snuggling you. You imagined him sweetly kissing you as you woke up and holding you close gently. He would brush aside your messy hair from your face and ask, "How are you, my love," and kindly stroke your cheek. You smiled at those thoughts. You wish they were real, but alas, all you have to "cuddle" is this simple little pillow.

Your eyes teared up again and you began to sniffle. You hiccupped and hid your face into the pillow, then you cried your heart out. You want him to love you so much. You want him to know how much you love him back. You wish he'd see it, but he probably never will... You feel like your chest is about to explode right about now. It's hurting so much... It keeps hurting and hurting and you hate it, but you can't do anything about it.

He hates you. He hates everything about you.

And he probably always will.

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