Chapter Two: Rani

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The water was cold on my bare toes. I loved the way the chill felt on my skin. If Mother saw me, she would have screamed so that her voice echoed off the mountains. That's why I was far from the house. Mother thought I was in town, and what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. She always complained that I spent too much time outdoors and that I would catch cold. But I hadn't had one single sniffle in all my life. I could stand naked in the snow and still be as healthy as a horse the next day.

There wasn't any snow this day, as the spring thaw was well underway. The grass grew green and fresh around the pond, fed by a gushing spring. This pond was my favorite escape. The water always tasted pure and was cold even in the warmest days of summer. Flowers grew untamed during the warm months, and the mountains nearby always loomed protectively. Usually there was no one else around. Occasionally a shepherd herded his flock into the grazing area, but very rarely. Here at my pond, I was free to daydream and run barefoot as I pleased.

Mother called me her water-baby for a reason. She said even when I was an infant, I would coo and smile during bath time while my brothers whined and cried. Father told me stories about times he had to fish me out of puddles. These stories always made me laugh. Water soothed me. I wanted to see the sea, but we were too far inland. Had I been a boy, I would have signed up right away to be a sailor. Mother said she'd never met a thirteen-year old as wild as me.

I relaxed in the sun, dreading the time I would return home to our cramped home. With all my brothers about, I didn't have time or room to roam. I preferred outdoors simply because I could do as I pleased without bumping into a dirty-faced child. Finally guilt got the best of me. Mother had her hands full, and soon it would be suppertime.

I wrung out the wet hem of my dress and sat on a lichen-covered rock to put on my stockings. As I was putting my boots back on, I heard the flutter of wings overhead. I looked up quickly to see a flock of gorgeous white swans. They daintily cascaded into the water, where they drifted. I didn't move; this was such a lovely sight that I didn't want to spoil it. There were six of them altogether, with perfect white feathers and bright orange beaks. I held my breath and smiled. It was worth getting in trouble to brag to my brothers about being so close to swans.

The swans drew ever closer, inspecting me to see if I was a threat. My heart fluttered. I could almost reach out and pet them.

The swans raised their wings and I jumped. Before my eyes, the swans grew and changed. Six women clad in armor surrounded me. Great white wings arched over their shoulders. I didn't have time to scream before two of them grabbed me by the arms and jolted into the sky.

We whirled upwards, my legs kicking wildly. The clouds were cold and wet, and all I could see was the mist. I tried to scream but I couldn't catch my breath. The force of flying was like a wet rag against my face. The women's grip on my arms was like iron shackles. Fear was bitter in my mouth.

Once the clouds were far beneath us, there was a blinding rush of color. We seemed to be moving too fast for my eyes to focus. I was confused and terrified. Who were these women? Where were they taking me?

After what seemed like hours, we slowed down. I looked ahead to see a blinding light. As we drew nearer, the light stung my eyes. I closed them tightly, and suddenly, we stopped.

The women released their grip and I fell to my knees gasping. My entire body ached, and my lungs burned with each breath. It was entirely possible that I might vomit. I coughed and spluttered.

"Oh, I should have had you bring her on the Bifrost," said a light, silvery voice. I looked up, pushing my messy red hair from my face. Standing before me was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. The light reflected off perfect blonde hair. She leaned forward, offering a slender hand. I took it, my own limbs shaking, and she helped me to my feet.

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