Chapter Seven: Loki

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The arrival of Huginn and Muninn always made me sigh.

I had hoped that since so many years had passed, my parents had forgotten about this silly betrothal. I certainly had done my best. I'd kept myself very busy, and tried to stay out of trouble. Perhaps if they realized I could behave without a wife, they'd leave me be. It was insufferable being around the other Aesir, because everyone felt it was their personal duty to make jokes about marriage and children. I had done my best to hide my wincing with a pained smile. But since so much time had passed, I knew that it must be time to discuss my wedding.

My parents received me in the same loving happiness as usual. Really, you'd think that they just sat around waiting for me to arrive, with all the fuss. I gritted my teeth, but nearly broke them all when I saw my brother Thor.

I loved my brother, just as I loved my parents. But goodness, they could be the most boisterous, annoying bunch of loons you'd ever meet. Sometimes, it was as if there was not a shred of darkness in the world. They seemed to pretend everything was always just fine, no matter what nightmares lurked just outside their door.

Worst of all, they liked to pretend I was the perfect son. And that was a heavy set of chains to bear.

"Son, you really must come visit more often," chided Mother, a bright smile plastered on her face.

"It won't be long, brother," Thor said, slapping me on the back, "before you're too busyto call!"

Thor and Odin shared suggestive smirks and guffaws of laughter, while Mother rolled her eyes dramatically. I wanted to leave and never come back, they were so sickening. Hypocrites. They weren't the ones being forced into an unwanted marriage.

"What have you summoned me for?" I asked, a polite smile on my face. Better to get to the point before I lost my nerve entirely.

"We simply wanted to remind you," Odin said, "that your nuptials are on the horizon!"

The glee on my family's faces nearly make me choke. Yes, yes, they were so thrilled for me. And I was so disgusted. Couldn't they see how utterly unimpressed I was?

"Yes, I was aware," I assured them. Surely that wasn't all? What a waste of my time.

"I have met your bride," Frigga said, positively glowing with delight. "And she's wonderful. Freyja and Freyr have done a wonderful job with her."

"And Sif," Thor said, "she's been teaching her how to be a little warrior."

I mustered up my best fake smile. Goodness, the girl had only been in Vanaheim a few years! Before that, what? She'd spent her life in some little cottage on Midgard. Hardly the best credentials, even with her parentage. But what did I expect? I was not Odin's blood. I was the adopted son.

"How lovely," I grimaced, "can't wait."

"We were actually considering something," Odin hinted, scratching at his scraggly beard. "And wanted your opinionon it."

I raised an eyebrow. Of course, nowthey were seeking my thoughts. Not of my future marriage, no.

"Go on," I said, faking interest. The sooner this was over with, the sooner I could leave.

"You see, she hasn't been bestowed with her titles and powers yet," Odin said. "For it to be official, I would like to conduct a small ceremony..."

I waited for the rest of his sentence. Mother cut in.

"And after the ceremony, have your proper engagement party!" The joy in Mother's eyes kept me from turning around and walking out. Anger boiled in my veins. And yet, my family looked so overjoyed for me. They all thoughtlovewas the thing my life was missing. Not a lack of identity, not being overshadowed by my obnoxious brothers... love.

"Sounds grand," I smiled, forcing myself not to grit my teeth any harder. Surely they could see how uncomfortable I was?

Mother grabbed me into a tight hug. "Oh, Loki," she gushed, "I am just so happy for you. You will adore Rani, you will!"

Well. At least I finally knew her name.

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