Chapter Thirty-Seven: Frigga

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At last, the day of Loki's hearing was upon us. Odin and I hadn't been on the best terms since our son's imprisonment. I was livid, arguing that Loki should at least have a chance to explain himself. Odin, however, chose to be pig-headed and absolute. Until I convinced him that Forseti would get the truth out of Loki, I thought my husband would never come around. I was still unhappy with my husband, since he had refused to allow me to see Loki and Rani, although I did anyway. Patience, I told myself. Today, we would have all this resolved.

Forseti had arrived the night before, and we made sure he got good rest. He was young, only seven years old. When his parents had perished, Odin and I had him sent to a quiet manor in the countryside to recuperate. The peace and solitude had done him good. He was still a child, but much wiser than his years. We only called upon him in desperate situations. The boy had seen enough pain.

That morning, he ate with Odin and I, catching up on Asgard's gossip.

"Loki has been married some time now," I told him.

Forseti, who looked so much like my dear Balder, nodded. “Is he happy?”

“Happy enough,” I said, giving my grandson a warm smile.

Odin cut in gruffly, "We think he sent the Frost Giants to attack in retaliation to our arranging his marriage."

"Hm," Forseti pondered, watching me stab angrily at my plate. "But why would he send an attack after the wedding? I would assumed he'd have done that before the wedding, so that he didn't have to get married at all."

I stared pointedly at Odin, who had nothing to say. Really, for all his wisdom, he could be a jackass at times. Men!

"What of the girl?" Forseti asked, "Where does she come from?"

"Lady Rani," I said with some pride, "is the daughter of Njord and Kara, the Valkyrie. She grew up on Midgard, but she's been living in Asgard for years now. She's such a dear, sweet thing, and she's completely devoted to Loki. Why, she's been staying in the cell with him during his imprisonment."

Forseti's eyebrows disappeared into his tufty blonde hair. "Really?”

"Yes," I nodded solemnly, "And with both of them injured from the battle, as well."

I glanced at Odin out of the corner of my eye. I bet he felt quite silly now, hearing Forseti's disbelief. Others had begged him to force Rani to leave the cell, but he refused, saying that it was her choice. I knew she wouldn't have left Loki, but I still worried for her health.

Odin quickly changed the subject to Thor and Sif's pregnancy, reminding the boy he would soon have a cousin. Forseti followed along as best he could, and I kept quiet. Soon enough, Odin would be proved wrong.


Once we had eaten, Odin and I led Forseti to the throne room, where he would find the truth of Loki's guilt or innocence. Guards lined the walkway, and the room had been charmed so that Loki couldn't escape. I doubted he would even try, but Odin wasn't taking any chances. But I didn't fret; if anything, the guards would be witnesses.

Forseti stood in between Odin and I, dressed in his judicial robes of black and white. He took his role very seriously, and his word was never questioned. Yet he was still a boy, and I couldn't help but find him adorable even in his solemnity. I felt the rush of adrenaline, and crossed my fingers behind my back. I prayed I was right, and that this would all end well. The other gods and goddesses had been sent from the Palace, so that no one would harass or question Loki. His status would be announced at the Well of Urd.

Two guardsmen led Loki into the throne room. He had healed well in the past week, and he could move with more mobility. His wrists were shackled, and the guards led him by chains. It pained me so much to see my beloved son treated like a common criminal. I fought off tears. I longed to run down and smack those guards, and unchain my beautiful boy!

Rani followed him, her face stoic and proud. She was unchained, and limping without her crutch. Fenrir, that damned dog, was by her side, eying the guards distrustfully.

The guards stopped at the base of the stairs. Loki slowly looked up at us, his face unreadable. His blue eyes were wary, and his mouth was in a thin line. He wasn't happy, but he didn't look frightened.

"Loki," Odin boomed, "you are brought here on the charge of conspiring against the Aesir and inciting an attack against Asgard. How do you plead?"

Loki raised an eyebrow, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I am not guilty," he said, his tone even and unfettered.

“Very well," Odin said, growing haughtier by the second. I wanted to choke him! "You are brought before Forseti, to be examined. His word will determine your fate. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Loki said, still calm.

I caught Rani's eyes. She was staring at me, questioning me silently. How sure are you of his innocence? she asked me wordlessly, Will we lose this man we both love?

I closed my eyes and nodded slightly. Have faith, my eyes told her when I opened them. In unison, we turned our eyes to Forseti. He stepped down from the top stair, til he was closer to Loki. Loki looked down at his nephew kindly. Then, Loki squatted so he might better see Forseti's face. My grandson's face was still solemn, but he offered a small grin. I saw this as a good sign.

Forseti's gaze soon turned from blue to deep black, blotting out the whites of his eyes. Loki's own eyes grew wide, as he was caught in the trance. He was unmoving, rooted to the spot by Forseti's power. We all watched carefully as Forseti searched Loki's soul. He would not speak of any of his findings, except the charges he was accused of.

My gaze moved to Rani once more. Both she and Fenrir were all but on their toes, watching, waiting. I too, was on the edge of my seat. I was fairly sure my son was innocent. But there was always that slim chance...

After what seemed like hours, Forseti and Loki came to, the process complete. Loki seemed dazed, and kept blinking. Forseti turned to Odin and I.

"Loki is innocent," he said.

I nearly shouted with glee. I knew it! I rushed down to my son as the guards unshackled him. I pulled him into a tight hug. "Oh my sweet boy," I gushed, "I knew it! I knew you were innocent."

"Thank you, Mother," Loki said awkwardly, patting me on the back. I pulled away, tears on my face. I was so happy. My Loki had proved himself.

Rani and Fenrir stepped up to him. She was smiling gently. She, too, hugged him, and planted a kiss on his cheek. He shyly smiled at her.

I turned to Forseti, and wrapped him in a hug as well. “Thank you so much for helping us,” I told him. “You saved an innocent man's life.”

Forseti blushed. “You're welcome, Grandmother. Loki is a good person. But there is a lot of resentment.”

I nodded silently, thanking him for his words. Once Forseti turned and said his farewells to Odin, ready to go back to his secluded home, I eyed my husband dangerously. Odin, flushed a bit, came to my side.

"Loki," he said a bit awkwardly, "I suppose I owe you quite an apology."

"Yes, you do," Loki replied without skipping a beat. "But I'd rather have you know without question that I am innocent. And now, you do."

I looked from Loki to Odin. Years of miscommunication and misunderstanding marred their relationship. I wasn't sure if things would get any better. But a shade of understanding passed between them.

Certain things cannot be fixed. But we can always move forward.

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