Chapter Twenty-Four: Rani

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The Laufeyson Manor, my new home, was mysterious. Loki had set us down just before the entrance, so I could admire it. We were standing in the middle of a courtyard, in the center of which was a fountain. The stone was weather-worn and gray, and no water was left in it. In the twilight, the manor loomed starkly before us. It was made of a dark stone, styled simply. The windows were large and wide, the chimney was thin, and a great tall tower rose above the trees. It was almost foreboding, but not ugly.

"It's very nice," I said, looking over at my husband.

He took a few steps forward, his gilded armor fading away as he moved. I widened my eyes. It would take some time for me to get used to his shape shifting ways.

"It's not much," he admitted, "but it's home."

Loki led me up the sweeping staircase that led me to the front door. Before he opened the door, he turned to me abruptly. "Do you like dogs?' he asked.

What an odd question. "I suppose," I said. There had been strays around my village in Midgard, but I paid them little mind. "What kind of dog?"

"He's a wolf," Loki said slowly. He must have sensed my fear, because he quickly added, "He won't hurt you, he's well trained. He's just a bit... frightening."

With that, Loki opened the door before I could protest. I braced myself when I heard the loud sniffing sound. Out of the darkness, a great hulking wolf, large as a colt, came creeping out. He was quite the fright, peering up at me with golden eyes. I was frozen, staring at him. What if he attacked me? What if he ripped me limb from limb? I looked over at Loki, who must have realized how petrified I was.

"Go make friends, Fenrir," Loki said, pointing at me. "This is Rani, the lady I was telling you about."

The wolf came over to me and sniffed me, his wet nose leaving prints on my dress. I relaxed some. Obviously he was intelligent, and obeyed his master. I offered my shaking palm. Fenrir sniffed it, then licked it.

"See," Loki said, "he likes you." His words were level, but his face betrayed some confusion. Had he expected Fenrir to dislike me?

"Come inside," Loki said, holding the door open. "It's getting cold."

I obeyed, Loki and Fenrir following me. Inside, the dim hall was lit only by a few lanterns. I could hardly believe this was to be my new home. It was fairly clean and neat, though not nearly as lavish as the Palace or Fanndis. It was difficult to envision myself here. Until now, Fanndis was home.

Loki closed the door behind us, and looked around. It was still strange between us, even though were were husband and wife now. Of course, it was silly of me to expect things to change right away. He gently cleared his throat. "I'll show you to your rooms."

My heart pounding, I followed him out of the foyer towards the staircase. The next part of our union was coming now. We would have to consummate our marriage! I was more frightened than ever. My blood rushed through my veins, and my breathing was shallow. I was so nervous. I knew this was necessary, and Freyja even said it could be pleasurable. But I had no clue what I was doing. What if my fumbling inexperience made him laugh? Oh, I'd simply die of embarrassment. I had to force myself to move my legs.

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