Chapter Twenty-Eight: Frigga

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Things were becoming peaceful, as they usually did during the cold months of winter. However, I knew a dreadful change was coming. My visions had always pained me. Keeping them to myself made it worse, but I refused to hand the burden over to anyone else. I knew I was strong enough to carry the weight.

I hadn't had a vision like this one in years. I was preparing myself for bed, brushing out my hair when it came to me. One moment, I was gazing into my mirror as I untangled my braids. Suddenly, I was in the snow, receiving blow after blow from a great monster many times my size. I saw blood upon the ice, and howls of ungodly proportions rang in my ears. The pain was excruciating. I was in agony, sure that my life was ending. I looked up and saw my brethren, fighting off these monsters. You have been betrayed, a voice whispered. Someone close to you has done this. I screamed.

When I came back to myself, I was on my hands and knees, panting on the floor of my bedroom. This vision had been so vicious, so painful. I still felt the ache in my bones. A fear swelled in my breast. Damn these visions, sending me nothing useful! I could not prepare the others, for I had no clue if this attack would come in an hour or a year. All I knew was that it would be horrible.

I picked myself up off the floor, grateful I was alone. I was shaking, cold sweat stinging my eyes. I told no one. I didn't let on that I'd had a vision at all. But, to ease my own mind, I did get my armor refitted, just in case. I made sure that the Palace and the entries to Asgard were well-fortified, pretending that I was simply checking for my own curiosity.

And then, I waited.

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