Chapter Thirteen: Rani

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My first night staying at the Palace, I slept like I hadn't slept for weeks. I wasn't sure if it was the ridiculous comfort of the bed, or perhaps my own exhaustion. Either way, I fell into a perfect, dreamless sleep. So much had happened lately. My lessons had finally drawn to a close, as my teachers all believed I was ready to become a proper Goddess of the Aesir. I was honored and delighted, pleased with the path my life had taken. Soon, the AllFather would declare me a Goddess, and assign me to the fields in which I would specialize.

However, I still feared my engagement party. I would finally lay eyes on my groom, for the first time in my life. I was more petrified than when I had met Njord and Skadi. I kept trying to convince myself that it couldn't be any worse than my brief locking of horns with my stepmother. But I never was very good as persuading myself into anything.

What if Loki thought me too young, or too immature? What if I bored him, or accidentally insulted him? Or worse, what if he didn't think I was good enough? After all, he was a proud Son of Odin. I was the offspring of one god's lustful ventures outside his marriage. What could I possibly offer my husband?

Each time these poisonous thoughts threatened to overwhelm me, I remembered my conversation with Frigga. She had carefully explained her son's weaknesses to me, giving me an advantage. The first step to helping Loki was to understand and sympathize.

I would not let my mother-in-law, nor my husband, down.


The next day Freyja arrived at the Palace. The majority of Asgard was attending my coronation, which was on the morrow. I was delighted that she would be by my side. My sister and I had a special bond; she gave me strength. I wondered if perhaps Frigga had foreseen this, and that was why she sent Freyja to fetch me from Midgard.

The Palace was busy with servants preparing for my ceremony, but Lady Frigga summoned the ladies to her chambers to socialize. Frigga, Freyja, Sif and I lounged in her comfortable den, gossiping and laughing. The others reminisced on their own coronations, years ago.

"I remember," chuckled Freyja, "that I nearly tripped over the hem of my dress. I nearly fell flat on my face in front of all of Asgard!"

"Oh dear," Sif snorted, "I would have rather tripped! I burst into tears on the podium! Let me tell you, I have never been so embarrassed in all my life!"

We roared with laughter, imagining Lady Sif sobbing before the AllFather, who would have awkwardly handed her the golden wheat sheaf and dubbed her Goddess of the Harvest. These moments of joy and companionship fed my soul. In times of anguish, I have always turned to these memories.

"Well," Freyja changed the subject, wiping away tears of laughter, "how long after the engagement party will my sister and Loki be wed?"

Frigga smiled slyly. "That all depends on how this little soiree goes." The others pressured her for more information, while I sat silently blushing. But Frigga would not reveal anything more.

"The sooner the better, I say," Sif told us. She was opinionated, but with good sense. I could see how her personality had helped even out Thor's wild streak.

"Not necessarily!" insisted Freyja. "Occasionally, time to get to know each other is paramount. A strong marriage is forged on good communication and understanding, isn't that so, Lady Frigga?"

Frigga nodded sagely. "Although, with the right partner, it doesn't matter when you're wed. Marriage is not stagnant. The two of you are always changing, growing together like ivy wound round a tree. Sometimes you drift apart, but you have the same foundation, and you will always come back to meet."

We all smiled, basking in the wisdom of the Queen of Wedlock herself. It was well-known that Frigga and Odin adored each other, and their love was the kind every woman wanted in her own marriage. Myself included.

Lady Sif leaned forward. She was a fun-loving type, who was always wont to cause a stir. "What of your wedding night, Lady Rani? Are you looking forward to that?"

Sif and Freyja howled with glee. I flushed redder than ever before, and Lady Frigga shook her head, hiding her smirk.

"Oh, darling, don't fret," Freyja assured me in between her giggles, "it won't be as terrible as they say in Midgard."

"Oh we've all heard the stories," Sif smirked, waving a hand clad in steel rings, "how Midgard men are as fun in the bedroom as a stuck pig."

This time, even Frigga whooped with laughter. Had anyone been passing by the door, they might have thought barn animals had taken up residence.

“But I've... never...” I trailed off, mortified.

"Making love with a God," Freyja, continued, overlooking my comment, "is absolutely heavenly. Trust me, I've tried my hand with Midgard men." She raised her brows suggestively. Freyja was allegedly the most sensual Goddess of all.

Lady Sif rolled her eyes. "Please, trying having the God of Thunder as your husband! I've been less exhausted after a day on the hunt!"

We shrieked with laughter again. But then Lady Frigga eyed us with a cunning smile. "Ladies, we could compare stories all day long. But let's not forget, I am wife of Odin, the AllFather. Let us just say that all his travels and quests for wisdom have taught him a thing or two." Frigga winked, and we hummed suggestively, until we dissolved into giggles once again.

"Don't worry, Rani," Freyja snickered, beaming at me, "I'm sure Loki, with his mischievous ways, will do a wonderful job showing you a good time."

I nearly died from embarrassment, much to the glee of my companions.

"I certainly hope so," I muttered, "for I have no idea what I'm doing."

The laughter faded out, and each Goddess offered me a piece of advice. Freyja went into great detail, which only deepened my embarrassment. As I listened carefully to each of the Ladies, I began to long for this all to be over with, so at least I would be free from the maddening fears of anticipation.

Despite my fears, if I wasn't married soon, I was afraid I might lost my mind.

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