Chapter Ten: Frigga

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Freyr notified me once Rani had met with their father. Little did she know, their reunion had been a trial of sorts. For when we are forced into a situation that tests our emotions, our true selves come to light.

And as I was told, Rani performed beautifully, even in the face of her oldest enemy, Skadi.

I was quite impressed. I had seen many things in my numerous years as Queen of Asgard. Very little shocked me any more. But this girl had done just that. I knew from the start she was good-natured, but she was much more than that.

I still stood by my decision. She would be perfectfor Loki. Freyja had been the one to consult the stars, but I knew we were heading in the right direction to save my son.

Of course, I had intended on having Rani meet her mother, as well. Unfortunately, Kara and the other Valkyries had been extraordinarily busy recently, since Midgard was currently overwhelmed with warfare on all fronts. And with Freyja spending the past few years attending to Rani's training, the Valkyries took up the slack. But soon, Freyja could return to the battlefields to pick her Chosen, and perhaps then Kara and Rani could meet.

Soon, Rani's coronation as a true Goddess was on the horizon. As was customary, we invited her to stay with us in Asgard until the ceremony. I traveled to Fanndis myself to escort my future daughter-in-law.

Rani was already packing when I arrived. She didn't have very much, just a few gowns and books. It all fit neatly in a little carved trunk. Freyja and Freyr were very sad to see her go. It seems that the children of Njord had grown quite fond of each other. I hated to tear them apart. But, of course, this was not forever. They were free to visit at any time. They would be attending Rani's coronation and wedding. But change was coming to their little family, and eventually they would all be far too busy to see one another as often as they liked. Such had happened with my sons, when they went about their ways. It came with the territory of being an Aesir.

After the rounds of embraces and goodbyes, Rani and I took our leave. We clambered into my fine white carriage, drawn by two large cheetahs. There were faster ways to move about Asgard, but I preferred the pleasant journey the old-fashioned way. I enjoyed the leisurely drive along the Bifrost.

Rani watched Fanndis disappear as we rode up the hill. There was a poignant sadness in her eyes. Perhaps a bit of conversation would ease her mind.

"I hear you had a lovely visit from Njord," I said.

She turned to me with a grin. Definitely her father's smile. "Oh yes," she said, "it was wonderful. We all got along just fine. Besides Skadi of course. But I cannot really hold a grudge. She must have been very uncomfortable."

Where some ladies might have spoken thus in false concern, I could feel that Rani was genuine. I was extremely pleased with this young girl. Perhaps her time in Midgard was the best thing that could have happened for her. She was very, as they say, down to earth.

"I simply cannot believe all these years have flown by," I sighed, resting my chin in my palm. "I feel that only last week we welcomed you back to Asgard. And here, you have adapted to your environment beautifully."

Rani blushed soft pink, lowering her jade eyes humbly. "Thank you, Lady Frigga," she said in her alto voice. "I have enjoyed it very much. I do sometimes long for my family in Midgard, but I know they are doing well."

"Freyja has kept you in touch with them?' I asked curiously.

"She has kept me up to date," Rani said, "and they are very happy. They are thriving. Someday, I shall visit them." A bright, beaming smile lit up Rani's face. I marveled again at the sweetness of her young heart.

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