Chapter Forty: Rani

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Loki and I decided to stay at the Palace, despite our recent imprisonment. We had discussed it at length, and although we longed to go back to our own lives in Laufeyson, we were needed here. Odin suspected that the Jotunn would try to catch us off guard once more, and they would need all the reinforcements possible. Thor and Sif were staying as well, and Freyr, too. Freyja was busy with the Valkyries, collecting her souls for Folksvangr. Njord had the seas to attend to, and Tyr was as overwhelmed with the Midgardian wars as the Valkyries. There were quite a few others who stayed but they kept to themselves. We were all strained with worry, wondering when the Jotunn would return, and why they had attacked in the first place. Each time it snowed, we watched the skies.

Many of us sought out Volundr, the Asgardian blacksmith, to refinish our armor and weapons. He and I had worked closely, since my foster father had been a smith, and I helped as often as I could. Hakon had shown me small skills when I was younger, and Volundr was happy to have the help. We Aesir knew that we outnumbered the Jotunns, but the giants were wily shape shifters. Who knew what they plotted? Our deepest concern was that they were being used as pawns to weaken our defenses. We still had no clue why they had come for us. We only knew to be prepared.

A month passed, full of anxiety and suspense. Loki and I were both bored out of our minds. Even Fenrir was testy. We'd grown tired of reading books and discussing them, and we'd grown weary of those we kept company with. Even in the sprawling Palace, we were all, in a sense, cooped up. And since we were so stressed and bored, we made love less and less. We had become mildly affectionate since our time in the dungeons, but not nearly as bad as say, Thor and Sif. I feared we might grow apart in this situation, but I was reluctant to force Loki to discuss a matter that was better left on its own.

One day, however, a visit from Freyja broke my dull spell. She had come to check in, and get her armor fixed as well. While she waited for Volundr to do his magic, she came to pass the time with me.

"It's been ungodly on Midgard," she said, shaking her blonde head. Indeed, it seemed she had come straight from the battlefield. Her hair, though shiny as ever, was windblown and wild. Her fair skin was dirty and sweaty, and her dress had seen better days. We all knew of the great wars going on below us, amongst the raiding Scandinavian people. Rumor was that it would only worsen in the upcoming years, since they showed no signs of stopping. We all played some part in all this, but we also left them to make their own decisions in many ways.

"I'm sure the Midgardians are keeping you very busy," I said, wishing to myself that I could be in Freyja's place, instead of waiting like a sitting duck.

"Oh yes," she sighed. "I'm growing so weary. Even the Valkyries are amazed. Which reminds me, I have a message from Kara."

At the mention of my mother's name, I perked up. I hadn't heard from my mother since the wedding. I had spent some time brooding over this, but I shook myself out of it. Plus, I was far too busy lately to mull over trivial things.

"She says to tell you she longs to see you," Freyja told me with a smile. I still marveled at the fact that Freyja had accepted me so warmly, since I was her father's bastard daughter. "But that Brunnhilde cannot afford to let her take leave."

"I can understand," I nodded, eager to hear more.

"She told me to tell you she loves you dearly," Freyja beamed, "and that she hopes you're doing well. Once these battles slow down some, she promises to try and visit."

I smiled like an idiot. I was so pleased to hear from my mother. I thanked Freyja immensely.

"It's nothing," she said, waving her hand languidly. "She was very concerned when I told her about the Jotunns. She nearly led the Valkyries to Jotunheim to destroy them! But she was so proud to hear her daughter was such a brave warrior. I've never seen Kara so happy." Thankfully, she hadn't heard about my time in the dungeons.

I blushed, pleased to have made my mother proud. I suppose I got my fiery nature and bravery from her.

"And she told me to ask of yours and Loki's injuries. How are you faring?" Freyja gazed at me seriously, her blue eyes full of concern. '

"We've healed up very well," I told her brightly. I still walked with a slight limp, since the muscles in my thigh still weren't back to normal. "Eir's poultices are a wonder to behold. Loki has full mobility again. His muscles reformed well, since his gashes weren't full puncture wounds."

"Good," Freyja sighed, "and you? You seem much better."

"I am," I admitted, "I feel no pain. Eir says my muscles are taking more time to heal, since the icicle went straight through the thickest part. And she thought perhaps the cold of the ice slowed down the initial healing process."

Freyja nodded, seeming both relieved and upset. "If I had known that Jotunn was stabbing you," she seethed, "I would have chopped his head clean off! Thank goodness Loki was there to help you."

I smiled shyly, my heart warming to my husband. He had saved my life. I would always be grateful.

Freyja's blue eyes narrowed, but a sly smile crept over her face. "Is that the aura of love I detect?" she whispered. There was no fooling the Goddess of Sex and Fertility.

I turned a few shades of red. "Perhaps," I mumbled.

My sister squealed in delight. "I knew it," she giggled, "somehow I knew you'd fall for him. This is perfect."

I shook my head at her silliness. It was true- I loved Loki. Our souls, though different in many ways, felt as if they were made for one another. Truth be told, I wasn't sure if he felt the same way- yet. But I knew in my heart that someday he would.

A sudden knock on the door cut our conversation short. Volundr poked his dark head in. "Lady Freyja, your armor is finished."

"Thank you very much," Freyja beamed, sending him eyes full of desire. I suppressed a giggle. My sister certainly had a taste for men. And she's always wondered, why let men have all the premarital fun? She was truly an enigma.

Volundr took his leave, and Freyja said her farewells. "I'll be back as soon as I get the chance," she told me. "And as soon as I hear of a Jotunn attack, I will be here. If I'm lucky, I will be able to bring the Valkyries with me."

"Thank you," I said, hugging my sister goodbye.

I hoped that our next meeting would not be in the midst of battle. All we could do was wait and see.

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