Chapter Fifteen: Frigga

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All of Asgard had turned out to see the coronation of the Aesir's newest member.

The grand hall had been decorated profusely, with every color of sheath hanging from the ceilings. Flowers adorned the pillars and walkways, while the finest carpets were set neatly upon the floors. However, the decadence of the chamber was nothing compared to the gods and goddesses who came to witness the coronation.

Odin and I were standing upon the great pedestal, surrounded by vases of lush fragrant flowers. Idunn, the Goddess of the Orchard of Immortality stood off to the side, stood with Rani's golden apple. Once Rani accepted and bit into it, she would be immortal like the rest of us. Below us lay the mosaic of deities that made up Asgard. Everyone was talking and laughing gaily as they waited for the ceremony to begin. I gazed from one Asgardian to the next, my heart warming at the support given to my dear Rani. I saw Tyr and Bragi talking animatedly, next to Thor and Sif who were waving up at me. I felt the familiar pang of loss. I had buried Hod and Balder, my twin boys, years ago, but the pain never really went away. They would have loved Rani, and would have welcomed her as their sister-in-law. Freyja came in from the back door, taking her place towards the front with her brother Freyr. I scanned the crowds, and caught sight of Njord, who raised his glass at me. I beamed. Rani would be so pleased. Skadi was absent, of course, most likely busy in her mountains. I was relieved; this meant she could not cause any trouble.

There was one person I was especially searching for. It took me some time to find him. But there was my son, my Loki, standing alone in the back of the room. The midday sunlight that slanted in through the tall windows glinted off the gold detail of his clothes. He had never been fond of large crowds. I'll admit, I was pleased he had shown up. I had feared he would prefer to hide out in his room and miss out on his bride's special moment. I was proud he'd decided to come.

He caught my eye and waved, a tight smile on his lips. I waved back, mouthing a silent "thank you." He graciously nodded.

Yes, this was a fine turnout. It was a wonderful day of celebration! We were welcoming a new Goddess into our folds.

Just then, the trumpets sounded, bringing silence to the guests. They looked up at the pedestal eagerly. My husband, Odin, stepped forward, opening his arms as if to embrace an old friend.

"Greetings, fellow Asgardians!" He bellowed, his voice reaching to the corners of the room. I had to fight a shiver; even after all these years, my husband could still put me in awe. "We have come today to celebrate our newest member. From what I hear, she is a gracious woman, full of kindness and wit. I believe she shall fit amongst us perfectly. May I present to you, Lady Rani!"

The room erupted into applause. Njord and Freyr whistled happily, and I could see Freyja all but jumping with joy. This was my best-loved part of attending these functions. While my dear husband kept everyone's attention, I was free to watch our comrades.

From behind the crimson curtains behind Odin and I, Rani emerged. She looked stunning, and surprisingly at ease. As she came into view, the room positively roared with glee. She blushed slightly, and bowed her head in gratitude. She smiled at me as I took my place to her left. Odin stood on her right, smiling like a proud father. Idunn remained in place, but offered Rani a friendly smile. The golden apple shone in the light.

"We welcome you, Lady Rani!" Odin shouted, quieting the room once more. Rani stood proud and still before her peers, basking in the love and happiness. Odin delved into his little speech, which I had heard a million times. I allowed my gaze to wander. Freyja's hands were clasped, tears in her eyes. She truly loved her half-sister. Njord, too, looked proudly upon his daughter. I knew he'd been delighted when Odin called her forth from Midgard to rejoin us. I was pleased that their family had been reunited.

I sought out Loki once more. He had moved from the back of the hall towards the middle, to get a closer look. My heart swelled. His eyes were focused on her, and though his face was unreadable, I felt he was interested. All I ever wanted was for my sons to be happy. And as I glanced at Thor, holding Sif tightly in his arms, I knew that I had done my best.

"Lady Frigga, if you please!" Odin shouted, drawing me out of my thoughts. That was my cue. I took Rani's left hand, which was sweaty and trembling. I gave her a soothing look. You are not alone, I thought.

"Lady Rani," I said, my voice ringing out through the hall, "do you pledge to be loyal to the Aesir, to rule as a compassionate, wise Goddess, doing what's right for the good of your brethren and those you watch after?"

"I do," she said, her voice strong, despite her anxiety.

Idunn stepped forward and presented Rani with the magical golden apple. Rani thanked her and cupped the precious fruit in her palms. The first bite of a golden apple provided immortality and the magic of the Aesir. As long as the orchard still lived, so would we. Rani gazed into the gilded skin, then took a large bite. The crunch echoed throughout the chamber. As she chewed and swallowed, a golden mist surrounded her, infusing her with power.

"Lady Rani," Odin said, "you shall preside over the Elements of Weather, as well as the Art of Seafaring Navigation. These realms of skill and power shall be your responsibility forevermore. Do you accept these terms?"

Rani nodded, still shrouded in golden enchantment. "I accept," she said, her voice pure and clear.

"By my word as the AllFather," Odin said, as we raised her arms above her head, "I declare you Goddess Rani, blessed member of the Aesir!" She closed her eyes with a smile, allowing the responsibility to seep into her pores. When she opened her eyes again, she was determined. She was a Goddess proper.

The crowd once again burst into applause and cheers. Rani startled, brought back to reality by the roaring noise. A flushed smile broke over her face. Odin and I lowered her arms, and I pulled her into a hug.

"Congratulations, Lady Rani," I whispered.

"Thank you so much, Lady Frigga," she replied, her voice high-pitched with relief.

Rani turned to face the crowd again, and sank into a graceful bow, thanking them for the support. This only made the others cry louder. Word had gone around of her sparkling personality and sweet disposition. She was already well-loved.

I sought out Loki once more, to see what I hoped would be happiness on his face.

But he had disappeared.

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