Chapter Nine: Njord

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For the first time in my life, I had all my children before me.

After the introductions, we sat around the courtyard, while servants arrived with refreshments. I paid them no mind. I hadn't seen Freyja and Freyr in ages, and I was seeing Rani for the first time.

Rani. My dear Rani, exiled to Midgard, now a grown woman before me.

I knew Skadi was probably not pleased. After all, this was the girl who was proof of my affair. It was a cruel reminder right in her face. But I had not forced Skadi to come; in fact, I had expected her not to. Either way, Skadi should not hold Rani accountable for my wrongdoings.

Skadi hadn't even wanted to marry me in the first place. She had preferred Balder, but ended up with me. The only reason she'd been unhappy with my dalliances with Kara was because it hurt her pride. Second to her beloved mountains, pride was Skadi's most prized possession.

My children and I spoke animatedly in the warm afternoon, catching up on all that had passed. I was pleased to know that Freyr and Freyja had been educating Rani. They had truly done a wonderful job. This girl with hair like a fox was proving to be highly intelligent. I had never been more proud. I had feared she would live out the rest of her days on Midgard. But now she was here, beloved by her siblings, charmed by all who met her. I was truly grateful to Odin for bringing her home.

"I hear your coronation is coming up," I said to Rani, after discussing the state of Valhalla with Freyja.

"Indeed," Rani replied pleasantly. "I'm quite honored."

"As you should be," I nodded, "It's quite an ordeal."

"And what of your engagement?" Skadi piped up. She had been rather quiet throughout the conversation, only speaking occasionally, and only to the twins.

Rani glanced at her, slightly taken aback. "As far as I know, it's quite well," murmured Rani, effortlessly smoothing over the awkwardness. This, I knew to be from Freyja's teaching. "The coronation will be followed by a celebration of the betrothal. Will you be attending?"

The question was directed solely at Skadi, who scowled ever so slightly. "Perhaps," she said. "Though with the winter coming soon, I have many hunts to attend."

"I understand you are very busy," Rani countered, humbly, "I wouldn't want you to miss out on your responsibilities solely for a silly party." The perfect amount of self-deprecation. Freyja smiled proudly.

"A silly party indeed," snorted Skadi. "I'm more concerned about the state of your husband-to-be. He does not have the best reputation, you know. Funny how a woman of your stationis the one chosen to be his bride."

Rani flushed, from either embarrassment or anger. Freyr's brows furrowed, a sure sign of displeasure, and Freyja's eyes narrowed dangerously. It warmed my heart to see my children sticking up for one another. Skadi was insulting Rani, hitting her where it hurt. I turned to my ex-wife, ready to defend my daughter. But before I could speak, Rani took over.

"Indeed," she said, composing herself. "One may think that. However, it was the AllFather who decided upon the match, and no other. I do not think myself so special that I should question the great Odin, so I simply abide by what he decides. He is, after all, a very wise ruler and I place my trust in him."

We all stared at Rani, impressed by her perfect sidestep. She had spoken so eloquently, so directly, that she could not be contested. Pride swelled in my heart. Skadi, however, was furious. Her mouth drooped and her eyes narrowed. She was practically shaking with fury.

But me? I was eternally proud of my daughter, illegitimate though she may be. She might have lived her life in Midgard, might have been the offspring of an illicit affair. But she had been chosen to wed a Son of Odin, and what's more, she had just bested the cold-hearted Lady Skadi.


The time I had with my children seemed to pass like water trickling between my fingers. Skadi took her leave before me, having no more jabs to direct Rani's way. We collectively breathed a sigh of relief once she was gone. We were able to speak freely now, but dusk was approaching. I had to take my leave sooner than I wanted.

I hugged each of my three children tightly, expressing how proud of them I was. Then, Freyr and Freyja courteously let me have a few moments with Rani. I was a bit nervous to be one-on-one with her. After all, I had been absent in her life until now. What right did I have to gain her love?

Rani stood smiling up at me a few moments before she spoke. "I was terribly afraid to meet you," she admitted. "I thought maybe you'd have nothing to do with me. But I was wrong, and I'm glad."

I took her by the hand. "You are my daughter," I told her. "I am proud of you, no matter what. Some might say you were a mistake. But you are the best mistake I ever made."

A brilliant smile lit up Rani's face. She looked so much like her mother. "I will do my best to be there for your coronation," I told her.

"I'll hold you to it,” Rani joked with a lovely grin. “And someday, you must promise to take me to the ocean.”

I couldn't suppress my smile. “I swear it.”

We hugged tightly, and I said farewell. Just like the day I lost her, when Frigga took her away to live in Midgard, I felt the same ache in my heart. But I kept my head up. I knew that this time, she was not gone forever. We had a lot of time to make up for, but now we had plenty of time to do so.

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