The Coffee run..

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Fredo just glared at me and started cursing some pretty words and walked away.

Before he walked away he screamed for rehearsel to continue narrowing his eyes at me specifiacaly.

'what would I do without him'.


Justin's POV:

''Guys I'm going on a coffee run do you want anything?'' At this moment I am back home in LA at the studio with Scooter, Dan, Alfredo, Ryan and Chaz I was recording new Journals to release during the end of the ''Believe'' tour. 

''Nah bro we are good, but if you want we can go and get it for you?'' Fredo suggested. Fredo is like an older brother to me he may be a duffus and act like a 5 year old when clearly he's older then me but I still love the goose. 

''Nah, its ok I want to get some fresh air for a while either way.'' he nodded in response. 

''And when did you think on telling me you were leaving, we still havent finished recording. Justin you know how this works and if we dont finish then we wont be able to send the songs so they can be permitted and approved.'' I sighed.

''I JUST NEED SOME FRESH AIR, GOSH IS THAT SO HARD TO ASK FOR. ITS NOT LIKE IM LEAVING THE COUNTRY FOR PEATS SAKE!'' I stormed out of the room slamming the door hard on the way out. 

''JUSTN DRE-'' Scooter started yelling but I heard Ryan interupt him.

''Bro give him a break he has been working hard a coffee run will make him relax a litte he needs it.'' Thank you Ryan I owe you. I didnt hear anything from Scooter meaning he gave up. 

I decided on leaving through the back door knowing that at this point the papz would be outside waiting for me to leave. I put my hoodie up and sun glasses so that people wouldnt recognize me as much. 

I walked through the side and made my way towards the mall to to the star bucks. When im in LA the only coffee I like drinking is the one from starbucks BUT it has to be specifically from the starbucks from the mall down the road from my studio, for some reason to me it just taste's differently. 

~5 minutes later~

I reached the mall in 5 minutes and walked straight towards starbucks so people wouldn't have the time to look at my face. Sometimes I get so frustrated with people yelling ''OH MY GOD LOOK, ITS JUSTIN BIEBER'' its cute but when you hear that constantly every where you go it can get pretty anoyying. 

I reached the counter and was warmly greated by my dear friend Carol; she's been working here ever since I first came in here about 3-4 years ago. She is an amazing friend truly, I even once talked to her manager so she can get a raise so she can go a see her grand-mother who was sick. Ofcourse I offered her a plane ticket but she refused saying and I quote 'Nice try Bieber, but the papz would make up a stupid story about how of a money whore I am and then that would totally get me fired in a blink of an eye'. That was one funny coversation we had if you ask me. 

''Why look who it is fine ass Mr.Cocky Pants.'' Carol joked. My ego may be slighty boosted while im with her. 

''Honey my cock is fairly fine in my pants if you ask me.'' I smirked at her and she blushed. 

''So what do you want Sir.'' 

''The usuall Carol, why would you ask me that stupid question'' I replied while chuckling. 

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