Us+Food= Disaster

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''I hope nothing happens between Justin and Y/N because of those two plastic fake bitches.'' Krystal said while leaning back into my arms. Rebecca quietly got up and walked towards Ryan giving us some alone time but before she left I mouthed to her a 'Than you' and she just nodded in response.

''Babe nothing will happen to them. It's as if they are made for each other.'' I said and kissed her neck and she giggled in my arms.

''Like us?'' she asked in a baby face in which I adore.

''Like us.'' I assured her and snuggled in face into her neck.

~Perfect for each other is what we are.


 Y/N's POV:

After Justin asked me to go to dinner with him went back to the car where everyone else was at. Justin opened the car door for me and I stepped in first and him after me. We ended up sitting together the whole car ride together since every other seat was obviously taken. I looked behind me and saw Krystal cuddled with Fredo and it looked as if she was fast asleep and to my right I saw Rebecca and Ryan together cuddled too. I smiled at the thought of how happy my best friends are.

''Watcha smiling at?'' Justin whispered into my ear which made me jump of surprise.


''Why are you smiling so much?'' Justin repeated.

''Oh. I guess just the thought that Krystal and Rebecca finding the right guys for them makes me feel happy.'' I answered him smiling once again.

''You love them a lot don't you.'' Justin said while wrapping his arm around me.

''You can say that again. They are like sisters to me, we have been through everything together.'' I said and cuddled closer to Justin's chest.

''You want to hear something that like completely turned out the opposite way as I thought.'' Justin asked.

''Sure.'' I said now sitting up a little but Justin still had his arm around me.

''OK. so this happened before I even came her to California. I was still on tour. I was in rehearsal but I was supper exhausted and scooter came to nag me about how I'm lacking which was a complete lie by the way. Well, Scooter started screaming at me but then Fredo stepped in and told him to give me some space. And then Fredo goes like 'Bro what's wrong' and I'm like 'I don't know I guess I'm just tired and stuff' and he goes like 'Bro it's just one more week and then we are back in Cali for 4 months' and then he goes like 'Besides who knows since it's spring break hot chick in bikini's will be swarming the beaches' and then I remember telling him 'As if they will EVER lay eyes on you' when I told him that he started bitching at me and glaring and now I look at him and wow was I wrong. Except it didn't happen at the beach it happened at my own meet and greet how crazy is that.'' Justin finished talking and made me think about how things could completely change.

''I remember that day. Scooter kept nagging at Justin because he was 'slacking off'.'' I heard Fredo speak in the background. Justin and I both turned around and Fredo, Krystal, Rebecca and Ryan were looking at us.

''Were you listening into our conversation?'' I eyed all 4 of them.

''Well technically you were talking about me so I had the right and urge to know what EXACTLY Justin was telling you about me.'' Fredo said while raising his hands up in surrender. I laughed at how he acts as if he's scared of me.

My Meet and Greet (Justin Bieber Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now